Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [prep] [pron] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The only way round this conclusion is to suppose that instead of the chain of justification stretching away to infinity , it turns round on its tail and joins up with itself at some point , forming a circle .
2 When I finally caught up with him at Crazy Joe 's Plantation Village , he was in a resigned mood .
3 In the half-light that was not yet day , roadside trees could conceal could even be — the dreaded pursuers , caught up with him at last .
4 Tim and Lynne Littler caught up with us at this point and with little resistance from our party , insisted that we could n't leave Paris without a light lunch .
5 You know if you did n't fill it in , they would act actually catch up with you at some stage and you may erm if you had exceeded the limit be erm you know you may be issued with a demand for a cheque for X for X number of pounds for overpayment of pension .
6 You went to find him — did n't you ? — for his creditors have caught up with him at last .
7 Ken Stevens loved both his girls and Rachel knew it had taken him a long time to come to terms with Jennifer 's illness ; she doubted he would ever forgive David Markham for walking out on her at such a crucial time .
8 Zimberalda … you 've come back to me at last ! ’ she snorts , wiping the tears from her eyes .
9 And it crashed back into me at high speed .
10 Very little built on to it at that stage .
11 ‘ David obviously wrote the songs and everything but I felt a lot of responsibility came on to me at that time , although it was nothing like David 's , ’ he says .
12 And Creggan followed her helpless gaze , out past the bars to the great sky itself and it seemed that direction came suddenly to him at last .
13 Or would you eat the chocolate very quickly without thinking or even looking much at it at all ?
14 He walked forward into the middle of the nave , and stood looking straight before him at some point above the high altar .
15 Another effect of intrinsic curvature is revealed when a vector is transported round a closed path in such a way that it is moved parallel to itself at each step of the journey .
16 She 's actually a really nice woman and she took a lot of time to really explain to me what was going on with her at that time .
17 For , though Alexander was there , he was clearly not expecting her to walk in on him at that precise moment .
18 Finding that the Middlesbrough , Shields and Seaham branches had been accumulating funds , the Sunderland officials demanded that any surplus cash should be handed over to them at head office , threatening , according to Wilson 's account , " drastic action " if they failed to do so .
19 ’ Thank goodness I 've got through to you at last .
20 She released him and he fell back on the crumpled bedclothes to stare up at her at first blankly .
21 Look out for them at major department stores .
22 Remember that it is far better to get down and then to run into obstruction than to stall on to it at flying speed .
23 Well no when we started when the strike started in the mill , I told then , you know y I do n't know what you are going to do with us , I said , but the way you are carrying on now you are going to bring trouble into this quarry , cos these lads are n't going to give in to you at all that quick , what you 're trying to do , make them work for thirty pound a week less , so you better think it over now , I said , before it gets any worse .
24 Amusement bubbled up in him at this tiny little thing with her hands planted firmly on her hips presuming to tell him what he was going to do .
25 We have n't fallen out with them at all .
26 They stopped shouting at each other , expecting the Headmaster to burst in on them at any moment .
27 The core grows massively dense and gravity causes it to collapse in on itself at 25 per cent the speed of light .
28 You could see them struggling for answers and coming up with nothing at all .
29 and then is she coming back to you at all ?
30 Nenna struggled against an impulse to rush into the fish and chip shop at the corner , the only shop in the street , and ask them if they had ever seen somebody coming out of number 42b who looked lonely , or indeed if they had ever seen anyone coming out of it at all .
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