Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] her at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
2 The symbolism of this did not strike her at all , as she went back and forth , showering and dressing and rehearsing all the reasons why he was to go .
3 The male did not bother her at all after spawning , so I was able to leave her in the Mbuna colony until she was ‘ near term ’ — and all the fry were this time normal — all 120+ of them .
4 He did not see her at all as he got out of the car and Jenna had the chance to observe him without the dark eyes pinning her quizzically .
5 Such behaviour , which always unnerved her when displayed by such as Higginbotham , did not unnerve her at all .
6 I confess I did not remember her at all , but I have been in so many hoses , I suppose it is only natural … "
7 But she soon saw he did not remember her at all .
8 The fact that Felipe could climb over the balcony did n't bother her at all because she knew he would n't , in spite of his words .
9 I simply did n't recognize her at first , and to tell you the truth , I was a bit embarrassed when Uncle Félix came over to talk to me with this perfectly stunning girl on his arm .
10 No we no she 'd got out the pool you see , she was I did n't recognize her , she said oh it looks like all the family 's here and I was only talking to Evelyn and , and I kept trying to place her and it was only when she said oh Rebecca was born a month after cos she 's died her hair a different colour , I did n't , just did n't recognize her at all .
11 Did n't know her at all .
12 I did n't know her at all , other than to see her go into the house and out of the house .
13 ‘ I did n't recognise her at first , ’ Lily told her .
14 However , the man gave ground and that did n't surprise her at all .
15 He was already gone when she came down to breakfast , which did n't surprise her at all .
16 ‘ No , to tell you the truth , I did n't like her at all .
17 I did n't see her at first .
18 It did n't help her at all to accept that this was by her own wish .
19 She moved into television production , making a couple of pop videos , which did n't interest her at all , and a couple of commercials , which did .
20 ‘ I do n't blame her at all .
21 I do n't like her at all .
22 They do n't see her at all .
23 ‘ Come back , come back ! ’ she shouted , but he pretended that he had not heard her at all .
24 Wycliffe had not seen her at first .
25 Though , thinking back , surely he had n't known her at that stage , had hardly known who she was .
26 Yeah , no , that 's does n't bother her at all .
27 He is deeply insecure and does n't expect love , never having received it before , yet he deals with Miranda 's death so matter-of-factly , hardly seeming upset at all , that he ca n't have cared for her very much as an individual , which is not surprising as he really does n't know her at all well .
28 Oh no you know she 's gon na sort of , sort of suus , so erm , I said oh it 's alright it 's only Eve 's house keeper , and I got back on the phone I said no I 'm every sorry to leave you hanging on I said no I do n't know where she is , I have n't seen her all morning , I have n't seen her at all , and er I said bye then , she said what 's the matter with you she said , I said what do you mean what 's the matter with me , she said oh , why you talking funny ?
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