Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] he could [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She tried not to wish he could go away even though the room was cramping them .
2 Bradl also found he could cope with pressure last season .
3 The IBF 's latest ‘ world ratings ’ have O'Toole at No 6 and Castro at No 9 so if Fidel keeps on winning he could wind up fighting himself for their title !
4 Knowing how rauch he could expect to earn on a regular basis from each market , he tailored his budgets accordingly .
5 Alan and Maryon both felt that six weeks would probably be enough and did not think he could manage to continue on this diet for another three weeks .
6 The Russian did not think he could have been dead for long .
7 ‘ Unfortunately , his personal secretary said she did not think he could become actively involved , but I am writing to the Prime Minister Mr Major and George Howard , the Environment Secretary , seeking their support . ’
8 ‘ I suspect he did not feel he could trust someone , ’ said Cramer delicately .
9 What level of income this had been , he did not feel he could reveal .
10 He did not feel he could write freely if the typescript was readily accessible to his mother .
11 He did not feel he could work on such a project , however , until " Little Gidding " was finished .
12 The millions he had earned from Formula One added to the money he must be making now meant he could provide Thomas with cast-iron financial security , an exceedingly comfortable home and a first-class education .
13 He said first of all that he did n't like hospitals , then he said he did n't think he could handle seeing Len so badly injured , but I have a feeling there 's more to it than that . ’
14 They did n't think , did n't think he could wait a week ,
15 Two days before the funeral Henry was asked to give a short speech , and although he began by saying he would not be able to talk , did n't think he could get the words out , was no orator , ended , of course by accepting .
16 Did n't realise he could gone now .
17 I suppose he simply did n't feel he could prevent it .
18 We know , then , that he can play a little — after all , nobody has won as many tour events in a year since Bob Tway in 1986 — but we did n't know he could make an audience laugh , or that he had such an offbeat approach to the game .
19 2 years ago Teddy Sutton did n't know he could carve ; now his work is on display at up to £300 a time .
20 I did n't know he could sing . ’
21 There was n't much Walter did n't know about machines , and what he did n't know he could learn in five minutes .
22 So I I do do n't think he could control it that much .
23 I do n't think he could 've been insured do you ?
24 Gon na say I do n't think he could go on his own , go down on his own
25 ‘ But I do n't think he could do that much damage . ’
26 I do n't think he could talk .
27 Sanders is a muddled old chap , but I do n't think he could have been wrong about anything as fundamental as that .
28 ‘ No , that 's one thing I 've always said , that with his vanity and with his looks , I do n't think he could have grown gracefully into old age .
29 It was but er the market was so low that he decided not to well I do n't think he could get a buyer actually , it 's just stood there so he he he let it out rather than have it stood there with the option for us to buy it but I say now the prices are lower he 's not keen on selling it at that price .
30 I could n't , I do n't think he could get the other he got that one because of , i in my health you could n't they could n't say how long
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