Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 FOR reasons that go deep into its past , Hungary has not done well out of the twentieth century .
2 Simon has now cut right down on the amount of time he spend playing and has also undergone treatment from his doctor .
3 This harassment and unfair bias has now got totally out of hand and has become nonsensical .
4 yeah I think yeah and , and he er , he look , he did n't even know how to take bloody back off I had to show him how to take it , I said oh I 'm not leaving this with him , that were video
5 ‘ You do n't know how we people of World 's End live , ’ she said quietly , ‘ so perhaps you would do well to stay indoors out of the way of any trouble . ’
6 She closed the door with a firmness she did not feel then sank gratefully on to her bed , dry-mouthed and suddenly cold .
7 She controlled the horse with a length of twine and she had authority over the animal , which snorted then stepped proudly round to the gate .
8 if you can call being nailed up , taken down , preserved ( mostly with artificial colouring ) , cheeks rounded out with cotton wool padding , bent into position , propped up , light bulb concealed neatly protruding slightly out of the back of this head for aura effect , wired to a battery strapped behind his back and mouth wired for peaceful benign smile , life .
9 Under the new captaincy of Ken Mentle , the club decided not to go all out for the title but simply to consolidate their Premier Division status .
10 I decided then to get right out of your life . ’
11 In the more remote localities Bolshevik officials , desperate for transport facilities , ‘ ignored NEP and all its works , and commandeered right and left as if military Communism [ War Communism ] was still pure and undefiled ’ , yet another indication that military methods did not go completely out of fashion with the advent of NEP .
12 They were in their early thirties , so 1 did not feel too out of place from the point of view of age , and at first no one took any notice of me , as if they thought I was just another mature student .
13 Certainly South African Allan Donald , another claimant to the title of ‘ world 's fastest bowler ’ , did not come well out of comparisons on that occasion , but Derbyshire captain Kim Barnett believes Bishop still needs careful handling .
14 This coalification pattern is a consequence of the pre-orogenic coalification , a coalification which obviously did not proceed later on during the subsidence of the Ruhr Basin and the Münsterland in Cretaceous times , — at least not at the surface of the Carboniferous .
15 There was no general consistency in response to this group of questions , which may have indicated that subjects responding correctly did so out of knowledge of the scientific findings .
16 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
17 ‘ I wanted to write a thoughtful song about recent events , and it was important that I just did n't leap right in with an immediate gut reaction . ’
18 She still felt very tired and run down , but her excuse was neatly removed by Glyn when she pointed out that she did n't feel quite up to driving .
19 They did n't come right on to the when I was
20 It did n't seem absolutely out of the question .
21 ‘ Yes , but she did n't run straight in like this .
22 erm schools just do n't help girls to have both and so a lot of the talk about underachievement , and I do n't like that word , amongst girls really ignores the fact that girls are n't underachieving when they do n't go all out for occupational success , when they do n't set their goals very high in schools , they are being very rational because if they do achieve they are going to be faced with immense problems .
23 Do n't make more out of this than you have to .
24 When you say later on , you do n't mean later on in the year ?
25 Do n't get uncomfortably out of breath .
26 Do n't get uncomfortably out of breath .
27 ( Do n't cut right up to the filling . )
28 When I browse through the list of tracks on Beechwood 's latest release ( the 11th ) in their ‘ Indie Top 20 Chart Hits ’ series and note the success of Carter TUSM , The Charlatans , Flowered Up , Teenage Fan Club , The Shamen , and others , things do n't seem so down after all .
29 In dark trousers and with the sleeves of a pristine white shirt rolled up to reveal golden , muscled forearms , Vitor had obviously walked straight out from behind his desk and into his car .
30 The Warlords had already marched right out of the arena .
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