Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The singular virtue of action-research is that things could not be left at that — it was necessary to go on and do something about it all .
2 One evening , when his golf match had been cancelled , he decided to drive down and collect me from the river .
3 Cashman had not come into Cadogan 's before , preferring Matthew to go down and see him in Hampshire .
4 Do n't wait for Personnel to come along and do it for you .
5 But they were quite happy to come along and discuss it with the parish council erm and .
6 ‘ Arthur got an electrician to come in and do it during the week . ’
7 Or you could do what my elderly neighbour does : every time she feels like decorating she pays a neighbour 's student son to come in and do it for her .
8 I get a maid to come in and do it for me .
9 You 'd be employing , you 'd be employing builders to come in and do it for you .
10 So I started to get people to come in and ask me to specifically teach them stuff that was on my records .
11 And we used to stand down and leave it at that .
12 ‘ Sometimes , ’ says Freddie , ‘ one 's tempted to just plunge in and put everything to rights . ’
13 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
14 Mr and Mrs Bryant would be thrilled to have a family living in your old home once again — and , since my holiday plans have fallen through , I 'd be happy to come down and help you with the twins . ’
15 Cabs , you used to jump in and drive them up the road cos there were no motor cars .
16 Right , I think er , everyone 's had a good say from both sides , and I would like to sum up and put it to the vote .
17 Now , though , she was sitting in the dressing-room , not even sure if she could persuade her legs to stand up and carry her to the stage .
18 That 's when they used to come up and put it in the straight on to the station .
19 Was there another car ahead , waiting to pull out and sandwich them with the Peugeot coming up behind ?
20 The new editor shares with the retiring one a proper reverence for the game , balanced by an ability to stand back and view it with a perspective born of experience of other important things in life .
21 Imagine what it 's like ( if you are a Tory ) to be unable to drive down the street without every red or orange poster in every window appearing to leap out and stab you in the heart .
22 But it 's a dangerous thing to come out and commit yourself to publicly .
23 Not even the fantasy that one of the Tsar 's descendents was preparing to come out and offer himself as a leader within Russia itself , defying the authorities to arrest him and prove that they had n't changed after all .
24 It is I would suggest much easier to respond to the complaint in the line of service sir than it is in one round more complex technical services with contractors and sub contractors and the like , with whom we 've had to deal , so there is that to be borne in mind as well , erm I think I know about some of the response to be responded to that , but it does generally valuable this talk , this discussion cos it does show the degree of viability of exposing the service to , your making problems of this nature , it immediately challenges people to come back and say what about it , you promised this , you promised that and you 're not performing , this , this is discussion is a live example of the
25 I mean do n't be frightened to come back and see us about that
26 ‘ Look , I 'm terribly sorry , ’ continued Blanche , ‘ to have to come back and see you at a time like this , Mr Lancaster — ’
27 Then she 'd jump out and scare them to death !
28 A long garden with plenty of tall shrubs and bushes means plenty of cover for an attacker to hide there and surprise you on your night-time walk to the front door .
29 Remember when she used to stand there and madden you with her politeness and that voice of hers .
30 Police are appealing for witnesses to the accident to come forward and help them with their inquiries .
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