Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 but I , I 'd never get them done , and I mean I 'd fed Matthew and I shouted down and I said look you 'll have to come and get him dressed cos I 've got dinners to put up yet
2 You say away when you mean come here .
3 I 've a lot , a lot of my friends have got big dogs and they say oh they will jump up and I say squeeze her paws , it usually works
4 But it does n't matter anyway cos I 've give her some money and I 'll give her her other money
5 And he gets up and he goes get off !
6 The other night though we walked round and we walked bang into the entrance to the field
7 Erm I need to phone home because I have stay late ?
8 So this is , what got me a bit suspicious right , well I speaking to her and all and I said , well you know , this is it and , you know she said she knows George is , is meant to be coming up and I said look and I says and I 'm gon na go down onto the floor here , and just as I was to go onto the floor there was a phone call right , and it was Alice .
9 A gentleman stopped me as I was coming back and he said do you own a white Austin Metro .
10 No , I do n't as it happens know the Watsons .
11 She said she was going to but then she thought about me told Jean last week and she 's baby sitting that 's why Jim is n't staying tonight so she thought she better not Jean asked why and she said come over if you , .
12 Oh Pam come down and she said do you know where it is , she said it 's so-so , they young .
13 ah ha , erm yeah , well I mean okay if we say take fifteen minutes each and we start five or six minutes late each one will overrun by three
14 Yeah , she looked a state but she looked she 's got two dogs and all her shoes have got rather attractive , as she says , V-shaped in the back of her shoe by these dogs and she comes in and she goes look !
15 As you recall that successful scene , whenever something comes up that you enjoyed jot it down on the sheet entitled ‘ I would like more of this ! ’
16 I happen to drive a very small car er a Fiat one , two , six and you ca n't get much smaller than that and I am much more aggressive when I 'm driving that for the simple reason I think its this sort of principle although I 'm nearly six foot in that I 'm a small person and the small person mentality comes out because I get cut up continuously , they do n't do that when I 'm driving my husband 's car which is a Volvo , er they will cut in front of me , I do n't think they , if they knew what my brakes were like they would n't do it .
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