Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] 'll just [vb infin] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er well you one or two wise guys who have dropped in one or two interesting comments , but you know they 'll just cut those out .
2 thought I 'll just put that on it .
3 I think I 'll just take those sheets I said I would give you .
4 and how he 'd seen prison and er they 'd said they had n't any prisons but he found one and erm hospitals and all that sort of thing and at the end of the week 's visit erm one of the very high ups , whom he named and I 've forgotten the name of him , I think I 'll just use that , thank you erm sent for h he , he was brought before him as it were and the man said to him are there any questions er at the end of your week that you want to ask and he said well perhaps there is one he said erm Winston Churchill was here erm a month or two , a few months ago
5 No we need to get I think I 'll just get half a dozen .
6 This little erm Sanyo I 've got on the bench in here , I think we 'll just keep that for spares then .
7 But there we are I I think we 'll just take that on board like that .
8 I think we 'll just wipe that mess , mind your fingers you dilly
9 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
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