Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] as [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 But Mike Felton 's foot had n't kicked her , he had moved it quickly out of the way and caught her as she fell and so saving her head from coming into contact with the brass coal bucket .
2 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
3 The Führer was talking to the other man in a low voice and totally ignored them as he passed and descended the stairs at the other end of the passage .
4 It 's going to be all right — Jess told herself as they turned and began to climb .
5 Her head throbbed , but she ignored it as she probed and pried .
6 And we still do n't know why this doctor advised us as he did or what his motive was .
7 Watch them as they move and try to work out what happens .
8 All night long his companions cursed him as he whined and complained .
9 Cold , and terrified of growing colder , so that when he opened his arms and put them around her , his musk-scented cloak coming with them , ample enough to cover them both , all she felt was the salvation of his warmth , his hard , hot body supporting her as she shook and shivered against him , that blessed , beautiful fur enclosing her as in a nest , muffling her from the killing storm .
10 Then observing himself as he fluttered and flustered the teenaged Lara in a restaurant !
11 He watched her as she emptied and polished the ashtray ( he did n't smoke and the smell of ash offended him ) , collected together the copies of the Laboratory plans and gathered up the strewn discarded papers .
12 The bamboo leaves bending low over the road whisked us as we passed and birds called in the mango groves .
13 ‘ Yes , because of Steve … not because I love him as you think but because I care about him and … caring is just as emotive as loving .
14 Comfort obeyed and spent the next two hours sitting beside Julia 's bed , watching her as she slept and bathing her face with cool water whenever she started to thrash about and mumble in delirium .
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