Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] would [verb] if i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If this is what it 's like to be under your protection , I 'd bloody well like to know what would happen if I were n't ! ’
2 I imagined what would happen if I should tear the sleeves out , or cut it up , or run to the kitchen for the tomato-ketchup and pour it all over the bodice ; if I should rip out the collar with my teeth .
3 How do you think they would react if I suddenly announced that the new man in my life is the man who ditched my sister five years ago ? ’
4 ‘ Do you think anyone would notice if I crashed out here ?
5 I decided to see what would happen if I pressed my lips against the microphone and placed my hands on the stool .
6 I simply wanted to see what would happen if I approached the problem with a contractor 's mentality .
7 I said that I could n't fault their prices , but asked what would happen if I did n't pay .
8 This is of course what I did — rather than repeat exactly experiments done on mice or rats that other researchers had already reported , I asked what would happen if I tried a similar procedure with my chicks .
9 He had a spare ticket for the Leeds end which I said I would take if I could get past the ‘ security ’ outside the Leeds end .
10 Mrs Singh said she would go if I came too but not otherwise .
11 He said she would have if I had n't pull her fucking hand brake up .
12 It 's the sort of ’ You stupid boy , stop trying to drown yourself ’ speech I can imagine I would deliver if I were dragging a recalcitrant lad back to land .
13 Can you imagine what would happen if I had a rest .
14 Lili frowned , and I wondered what would happen if I should say that the wedding was cancelled .
15 I wondered what would happen if I should say that I wished she had n't .
16 I wondered what would happen if I ignored the call or pretended it was n't me , but I had a strong feeling that they knew it was me .
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