Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] all [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She 'd be real surprised to see them all sat round the table looking so happy .
2 I expect they all went in the Second World War .
3 He let us all go to the burial .
4 Those coppers had been assembling , you see , so I lurked in the shadows and watched , and when the Top Cop turned up he told them all to get in the Black Maria .
5 For two pins I 'd send them all crashing to the bottom .
6 Erm , I would like to close by saying that erm I just thought it would be just a nice idea that I would invite any of you members of the Council and wives who have n't got anything else to do on Christmas morning , if you fancy popping up to my house for a glass of sherry or whatever , just on a casual basis as a little thank you for what you 've done over the erm over the last twelve months , I extend that invitation to you all and District Councillors if they wish to come and I would like to say , on behalf of the Council , that I hope you all have a , this is the last full meeting , and to everybody here I hope you have a very nice happy peaceful Christmas and I hope we all go into the new year with renewed vigour .
7 Add the white wine and let it all reduce to a shiny emulsion .
8 I imagined it all dissolving in a white heat , or swept away in an enormous wind .
9 The festivities started with a parade through the town led by the Houlton Silver Band and as I looked down from the windows of our bed-sitter I could see them all gathering in the street below .
10 There 's many a true word spoken in jest , but there must be lessons here to help them all awaken from the financial nightmare that the lending institutions have exacerbated .
11 we could see it all set in the in the kitchen ready to put in the oven you know .
12 At the moment it looks as if the end of term will see us all thrown on the job market .
13 I mean we all live in a society where people wear clothes and we 'd probably feel a bit ashamed if we did n't have to wear any , but if you grew up in a society where nobody wears clothes , you would n't , would n't bother about it for one moment .
14 I remember we all went on a school trip to the Geffrye Museum of period furniture and costume in Hackney , East London .
15 Erm and I could see what they were after you know , an engineer has in his mind the plan and how to go about the thing and , and get it all done in a one-off situation .
16 Instead of telephoning him at work to blame or to demand attention for herself , she responded to the emergency and visited the office with soup and sandwiches to keep them all going through the evening .
17 Erm and I would I would want to try and do some er organize some press coverage at that time for the losers as well as for the winner so that a a and one of the things when we select the participants , er the entrants , er we will not have them all coming from the same school or from the same area , even if the five best entrants all do come from the same school .
18 Bill White , head of communications for Nintendo , says : ‘ While some of our games do have violent themes , or more violent themes … we believe they all fall within the range of quality games accepted by the majority of the people in the population . ’
19 And do you think they all came from the same kind of background as yourself or were they more working people ?
20 got to be standardized , that it 's legible , to teach them all to write as an individual allows them this
21 It came in mid-morning , and brought them all slipping through the branches and the coarse grass to lie hidden on either side the narrowing of the path with their bows strung and their shafts fitted , listening for the soft thudding of hooves that came as a reverberation along the ground rather than a sound .
22 ‘ We saw you all go into the tunnel , and then we went across the hill to see you all come out , ’ explained Peter .
23 This was not obvious to most people in the later nineteenth century , and the general effect of the Second Law was to encourage the gloomy belief that in time the universe would die the heat death of general tepidity : that the universe would see Victorians and their foreseeable descendants out , its death being many million years away , was little consolation to believers in progress , who saw it all stopping in the distant future .
24 He saw it all reflected in the eyes of those blood-spattered gallopers and bears and lions and tigers and ostriches , all frozen in mid-stride , helpless witnesses of the terror they could not run from , and Preston trying desperately to escape from it , as much in terror of the mutilated corpse of Mary Moxton as he was of her murderer , and running from room to room and pulling open the last door of the last room and out into the night and down the long black tunnel under the railway line getting closer and closer to the grey patch of light at the end until , on the verge of safety , the figure would leap out at him in its bloody clothes with the meat cleaver in its hands …
25 She went bright red when she came out of her house and saw us all waiting on the other side of the road for her .
26 So far as I can reconstruct events , I was gazing at the water jug when the exchange started ; I discovered I was smiling when I realized that Anne was watching me ; whereupon I looked at her interrogatively ; she looked at the water jug with a slight frown ; Millie glanced at each of us in turn , then picked up her dessert spoon and studied that instead ; I watched her smiling at the spoon ; which made me start smiling again ; which made Anne start looking at me again ; which … kept us all occupied throughout the main course .
27 I mean I think you all learnt from the one way system and the fiasco erm of that was actually there .
28 What do you all say to the idea ? ’
29 ‘ And what do we all do for a living now ? ’ sighs Nick , wreathing himself , and the rest of us , in a chilly , mournful mist .
30 And did they all live in the house as well .
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