Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] that [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
2 Berle met with Canadian officials at the end of March 1944 , and told them that he liked their draft convention , but considered it a long-term rather than an immediate possibility .
3 He told me that he fired his gun at the dogs and they ran away .
4 He told me that he liked my playing and that he would give me a ring when I got back to Milwaukee , and about three to four months later we actually formed a band and went on tour .
5 In my letter to Eliot , enclosing my own article , I had expressed the hope that , in contrast to Rowse , who told me that he considered my letter ‘ ineffective ’ , might approve of it .
6 When Liz told me that she thought your boss wanted to marry you I knew I had to step in and stop that nonsense once and for all , ’ he grated , his strong arms tightening possessively about her .
7 When you asked me to undertake a review of the management of the Prison Service , I told you that I thought my recommendations would be easier for me to make than for you to implement , but you assured me you believed the climate was ready for some radical change .
8 I told you that she felt her life was ended .
9 And one of the reasons why the black women in Liverpool put this exhibition together erm and they tried to pick out different kinds of jobs that women had to show that black women could do those jobs , and they were saying look , there 's lots of stereotypes erm about the kinds of jobs that black and Asian women can do that fit in with their personalities , and you know the world is wide open and you are able to do this and you do n't have to be erm a singer or a model or erm or erm erm a runner , you know , the whole stereotypes in terms of what black people are good at and they 're saying let's break away from this , let's show the kinds of things that we can do and we can do anything that we set our minds to and erm the exhibition is very positive , actually .
10 The only thing that I said was erm that Tony told us that you keep your game tonight so that you 've got a friend any time you want .
11 You have shown me that you think my people are your brothers .
12 Your master has persuaded me that you found our correspondence helpful , and that I should resume it .
13 You 've told me that you spent your adolescence in isolation , actually codifying every little bodily habit and cognitive loop — ’
14 ‘ He assures us that he maintained his dignity despite a lot of verbal encouragement to bare all . ’
15 We will have to be very sure that we know what we 're talking about when we meet them to persuade them that we need their funds more and we can make better use of them and we hope to raise around half of that twenty five million pounds from them .
16 I hoped he was reminding her that she had his bucket on her back and he did n't want it covering with dents .
17 Mrs Barnet tells me that she expects her husband when she sees him .
18 And if , like us , you 've never heard of her , we should tell you that she plays his 14-year-old daughter in a romantic piece of ooh-la-la entitled My Father The Hero .
19 You did n't tell him that I got my
20 Braque himself tells us that he began his L'Estaque pictures by establishing a background plane and ‘ advancing the picture towards myself bit by bit ’ .
21 That poem reminds me that I did my best , did my duty if you like . ’
22 Then I reminded myself that I create my own reality !
23 And that 's while he was telling me that he wanted his Harley Street centre to offer a rape examination suite .
24 ‘ In order to constitute the offence of rape … the prosecution must satisfy you that he effected his purpose by overcoming such resistance as the girl offered , you being satisfied that she was offering resistance and that he was overcoming it .
25 We know he 's thorough , and puts such fear into those who serve him that they do his work as he will have it done .
26 It struck her that they made their money very easily .
27 When she 'd said she was worried about her superiors , he 'd felt like telling her that he had her superiors right where he wanted them , but he could n't .
28 He wondered , morbidly introspective in the cold light of dawn , whether his decision to see the next murder case through from the call to the scene of crime to the trial had really arisen from a desire to learn or merely from a craven wish to impress or , worse , to propitiate , his staff , to show them that he valued their skills , that he wanted to be one of the team .
29 ‘ Are you going to tell me that he holds his castle for the Empress and wo n't take you back ? ’
30 The reason I am writing to Mamma is to show her that I know my duty and that I am with the deepest respect her devoted son . ’
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