Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] is [that] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ One thing these workless weeks in Venice have taught me is that I need my profession .
2 ‘ However , what upsets me is that I have heard unconfirmed rumours that some of the riders were threatening to pull out if I were put in the third row of the grid as was at first planned .
3 ‘ The one thing that worries me is that I do n't think he cares .
4 Erm , this is something that I 've spoken with about over a long period and what really has concerned me is that we 've two red signals , both facing the traffic and children and blind people could be crossing thinking the traffic had held up , and when I or detecting we rely on our own engineers maybe going round that way , maybe the police or public reporting it .
5 the reason the world does n't know us is that it did not know him .
6 Cos what normally happens is with tetanus , that the reason it kills you is that you stop breathing because your muscles that work your lungs , the diaphragm , the intercostal muscles between the ribs , those seize up and you just stop breathing .
7 ‘ The main reason that I am contacting you is that I thought you might be interested to know that John ( stage name Joan Rawson ) was awarded the Eric Rowley Trophy for the artist who has done the most for charity over the last 12 months .
8 The unspoken message of the video they lend you is that you start the week head-planting in the snow and finish it bouncing imperturbably down virgin slopes .
9 The importance of liking yourself is that you do n't need the approval of other people — you do n't m-ed other people to tell you that you are a good person , a caring mum , an intelligent member of staff , a considerate daughter , etc .
10 Gravedigger Jose Molina said : ‘ What scares me is that I think I 'll be her first victim . ’
11 Suppose that you decide that the employee 's main payoff from constantly telephoning you is that he receives encouragement and reassurance .
12 What surprises me is that he said it in public . ’
13 ‘ The reason the police have n't come to question you is that I have n't told them about my suspicions . ’
14 It will be B format at £5.99 on 23rd September , and the main reason I believe it is that it has a new hardback ( Big Hole and Baby Universes ) simultaneously .
15 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
16 What annoys me is that I know I saw the damn thing not too long ago !
17 All I can tell you is that someone seems to want to harm you .
18 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
19 It might therefore seem a rather odd choice as a label , but Wimsatt and Brooks 's reason for using it is that they view these analogical or metaphorical relationships as producing effects essentially similar to those for which the word irony is more commonly used , and which they also see as an important part of poetry .
20 ‘ What pains me is that you took the opportunity when I was sick unto death to steal Prince Edward 's heart from me , ’ she said to Joan , having informed her of the plan .
21 And what you are telling me is that he knew very well Aldhelm was to come here that night .
22 Now there was one other thing if you would care to take it is that you said that it would involve a great deal of organization for concessionary tickets for Alton Towers or Tussauds or any others .
23 ‘ What I was going to tell you is that he had written her a part in one of his plays .
24 Well the problem as I see it is that you do n't know what the variety of this peach is , if it was bought out of greenhouse variety and is reasonably tender then I do n't think whatever you do with it in Preston it 's going to make any difference .
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