Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] must [vb infin] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But I mean I must admit on the side of some men , it 's not actually an individual thing that I totally blame it on , although men , you know , have their responsibilities .
2 Everything they grow they must take to the market to survive , but everything is expensive for them and so they have nothing .
3 He was operated on and survived — just , and in passing I must comment on the dedication and skill of the Indian surgeon and Sri Lankan woman anaesthetist who performed the operation .
4 She says you must study for the examinations for Queen 's College in two years ’ time .
5 As for Louise and Miriam , they had decided they must stay in the Residency in order to lend their assistance at the hospital , where the dispensers and orderlies could no longer cope .
6 I imagine it must seem like the blink of an eye to a ghost , do n't you ? ’
7 In order to be enrolled you must bring to the University :
8 In order to be enrolled you must bring to the University :
9 On the one hand we are being told we must deal with the deficit , and on the other that we must not close things and rock the boat with the NHS White Paper around . ’
10 He has 14 days to appeal but has already been told he must appear before the FA Commission .
11 Even now I am looking through the chapter on the ‘ law ’ again : the question of colonial robbery ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the alienation … of the surplus product from all pre-socialist forms ’ ( p. 62 ) , ‘ the taxation of private capitalist profit ’ ( p. 64 ) , the question of state loans ( pp. 64–65 ) , currency emission ( p. 65 ) , railway tariffs ( p. 70 ) , the monopoly of the banking system and the credit policy ( pp. 70–73 ) , home and foreign trade ( pp. 73–84 ) , the ‘ prices policy ’ ( sic pp. 84–89 ) , and so on and so forth , with further argument on the theme that socialism is fighting against capitalism and in order to win it must accumulate at the expense of the private economy — and the more the better — this is the entire content of the work .
12 When you play for United you know you must perform to the best of your ability every week .
13 Things like that are not constructive at all , I mean I know you must get to the stage with some members of staff where you think oh , what else can I do , but
14 I decided I must check with the local post office that the telegram had really been put into Barrymore 's own hands .
15 HAVING watched Carrick Rangers through the years from as far back as the B Division days I feel I must comment on the pathetic lack of support given to the manager by the board .
16 I FEEL I must respond to the May 14 letter from R Hagan regarding transferring babies in-utero over a distance of 1,000 miles in Western Australia .
17 Still , I suppose we must move with the times .
18 He therefore decreed that before either could reproduce they must fight to the death , with the flesh from the loser being fed to deserving men .
19 I wanted so much to go into the house and be with them , but I knew I must stay in the hut .
20 The sheer quantity of such imports might preclude tribute being the mechanism of transmission to Kent , but if a material exchange was involved we must look to the area of consumables to fill the other half of the transaction , for durable Kentish items are known , but are rare , on the Continent .
21 There was no one in the village who would own such a pet and the Lady Prioress is quite strict with her community on that , so I knew it must belong to the young woman who had been murdered . ’
22 When he hung up , Nadirpur said : ‘ I think I must call on the offices of Spidex myself .
23 Mind you must remember at the time when he was fighting to put it through , the bill through parliament , the whole B M A , British Medical Association were against him , to a man .
24 but er , I think we must concentrate on the decisive people as well to get these places on
25 Said I must concentrate on the Camden Town case .
26 Neither Lady Amory nor Sir John had any practical experience , but Lady Amory 's father had been fond of altering gardens : ‘ He was very kind and always said you must help in the garden whenever you want to , but you know you 've got to have your own garden , you ca n't do it in your father 's garden . ’
27 If a tenant takes only an upper floor of a building and has no more than a right to use the entrance hall for the purposes of approaching the property demised he must stipulate for the right to put a nameplate outside the property ( other than that part demised to him ) if he desires this convenience ( Berry ( Frederick ) Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland [ 1949 ] 1 KB 619 per Lord Goddard CJ at 621 ) .
28 You know we 're only gon na get the best from European initiatives when we start realizing we must deal with the present , in order to shape the future remembering the cruel lessons many of us have learned , particularly during the last twelve years .
29 damage it must do over the country
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