Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] give [adv prt] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They had gunpowder and very sophisticated engineering devices well before the west , but one can document the fact that the Chinese gave up science , rather dramatically , erm in subsequent centuries , simply because they lost faith that there was any underlying order in nature to be discovered , that it was their background religion and philosophy which led them to give up the idea of unravelling the structure of the universe .
2 ‘ My brother is but an earl , and yet you expect us to give up a king in exchange .
3 Quite often they persuade them to give up the hostages .
4 ‘ Everyone told me to give up the womanising at my age . ’
5 While I have great sympathy for the doctors of twenty years or more ago who did not realise the addictive effect of such tablets when they began to prescribe them , I do not feel equal sympathy for those doctors ( fortunately their number is growing less ) who still hand out similar prescriptions to their patients and then fail to monitor their progress or to help them give up the medication as soon as possible .
6 " Princes cede towns , even provinces , but all the ability of the most adroit negotiators can not decide them to give up a rank which they believe to be their right " .
7 When Kemalpasazade presented himself to Hacihasanzade and requested that he be appointed to the Taslik ( Ali Bey ) medrese in Edirne which was then vacant , Hacihasanzade urged him to give up the thought of receiving a medrese and to accept an appointment to a kadilik instead .
8 Once in , it seemed nothing , absolutely nothing , could make her give up the job she loved .
9 His quest for adventure led him to give up the business and sail around the world with a friend in 1980 — but disaster struck .
10 ‘ Princes will cede towns , even provinces , but all the ability of the most adroit negotiators can not persuade them to give up a rank to which they believe themselves entitled . ’
11 After a while , he said , ‘ Did you give up the job on the Council , then ? ’
12 How much help did he give in the house ?
13 A former bus driver , illness forced him to give up the DIAL office at Kingsley which he ran successfully for two years .
14 There was a receipt showing that after lack of money forced him to give up the flat , in 1989 , he bought a luxury caravan .
15 Persistent ill health induced him to give up the surveyorship at Christ 's Hospital in January 1816 and that of the Bethlehem Hospital the following year .
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