Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] he [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't even know what he does for a living properly ! ’
2 Ask a dozen American curators about Earl A. Powell III , the new Director of the National Gallery , Washington , and you get more or less the same general response : ‘ If you were having lunch with Rusty ( his nickname that everyone uses ) and did n't know what he did for a living , you would think he was either an Assistant Secretary of the Navy , a General Manager of General Motors , or a football coach .
3 Dad told them he went for a drink to the pub at Goldsithney , that he left at about nine and came straight home . ’
4 It drew to an end in April 1964 with Mr Mandela 's four-hour speech from the dock , in which he defended the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe and said he had done what he did for the ideal of a free and democratic society , ‘ an ideal for which I am prepared to die ’ .
5 ‘ He 'll get a good reaction from our fans because the people appreciate everything he did for the club , ’ Rush said .
6 But she had n't been able to hear what he said for the roaring in her ears .
7 During World War I he was political agent with the Waziristan Frontier Force , and also held a temporary commission in the RAF as a pilot ( 1918 ) , an experience which evidently instilled an enthusiasm for flying which he retained for the rest of his life .
8 But we do have to do everything he wants for the next month or so . ’
9 " Know what he does for a living ? "
10 When he spoke to her she could scarcely hear what he said for the thudding of her lovesick heart and the chattering of her teeth .
11 And those who worked with him on ecumenical committees knew that this was nothing like so rigid an Anglo-Catholic as sometimes he was portrayed ; and remembered what he did for the Methodists and other non-Anglicans in Durham .
12 Gabriel sold all his farm tools to pay what he owed for the sheep .
13 Now we 're going to see what he does for the economy , what he does for the underclass , and so on
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