Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] if he [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ( He comes like a Thief in the night , Christ , that is , and woe betide you if he finds you wanting . )
2 Finally , she told him if he sent her home she 'd commit suicide .
3 Roger : Yeah — but it 's all right 'cos he still ca n't do anything if he sees us mucking about .
4 Charles would tease me if he thought I was worrying about my weight ; he likes curvy women with big breasts , Nicola once confided in me .
5 ‘ His will was his own business ; he 'd have told you if he wanted you to know .
6 For a fearful moment she thought he was going to lean down and kiss her , and because she had no idea how she would defend herself if he did she shut her eyes tightly , opting for the ostrich technique .
7 I mean , if it really was him that done the murder , he wo n't like it if he thinks we 've got suspicions .
8 ‘ And I 'm not sure Desmond would like it if he saw us , ’ she added with another little giggle .
9 You do n't imagine Charles would have asked Guy to help us if he thought he was some kind of financial shark ?
10 I just hope that you issued him with that warning because I meant what I said — I 'll ruin him if he hurts her again . ’
11 ‘ Yeah , ’ Billy agreed , ‘ Jess would shag us if he caught us in here with his fish . ’
12 Leith swallowed hard , and knew , before the weakness of loving him , the weakness of wanting him battered down the rest of her defences , small though those defences were , that she had to appeal to that in him which she somehow knew would make him hate himself if he took her .
13 But it 's difficult to convince Rush that Dalglish is not deluding himself if he says he is fulfilled by life after the Kop .
14 I recognised her but I did n't know how Steve would take it if he saw you together .
15 It 's as simple as that , he 's showing interest so let him have it if he wants it .
16 ( b ) That later on the same night , after Zaidie had reached home , the defendant had driven there with another man and confronted him with a gun and had said that he had come to move out Paulette. ( c ) That after that incident , but still in June 1986 , when Zaidie was driving into a friend 's house , the defendant drove up and , saying that he had heard that Zaidie had hit Paulette , again threatened to kill him if he touched her .
17 I asked him if he thought he would win any prizes ; he thought he would be lucky if he did .
18 Ken particularly liked the story Orton told him about a man he had picked up in a lavatory and asked him if he did it often .
19 Emma asked him if he liked me and he goes no .
20 Her heart went out to him , and she showed him her anemone arrangement and asked him if he liked it .
21 ‘ You must tell me if he bothers you , Biddy .
22 Worse , Dr Neil was being so kind , when reason told her that no one would blame him if he turned her away for what she had done .
23 Ask him if he thinks I might visit Mr Conchis . ’
24 Yeah was in a little tumble job there but I I honestly do n't think he if he caught him it was quite accidental .
25 Just leave it there in front of him so that he can eat it if he wants it Charlotte
26 He would n't wake them if he thought they were sleeping .
27 But the British remain fond of the welfare state ; they might , in the end , thank him if he made it work more fairly .
28 If , as a result , he rejects the statement , then it will not satisfy us if he tells us all about his feelings of doubt or about his feelings of conviction as to his perceptions .
29 ‘ He 'll kill me if he catches me out here . ’
30 He 'd kill me if he knew I 'd made something like this . ’
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