Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [conj] well " in BNC.

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1 What makes you think I can cook as well as get stroppy about words ? ’
2 I did n't know you could cook as well as … ’
3 Maybe you have weapons that we have never encountered , but those I have seen we can use as well as any of your men .
4 Also taking into account any other P H I benefits we must do as well .
5 The son of the family went to California , learnt what made the Californians tick , and swore he could do as well , if not better , back in France .
6 I do n't suppose I 'd manage that well if I was on my own .
7 The new media offer , as it were , a prism through which we are better able to understand the existing structures of broadcasting : the threat makes it easier to appreciate what will vanish as well as what will come about .
8 I know I did in some some detail , particularly in the theory elements , which is n't in Arnold 's book , but er I think you 'll find that well covered there .
9 Well I I think I think you 'll find that well if Labour gets in
10 If you think you could do as well , get cracking — if your game 's anywhere near as bostin' as this one , you could find fame and fortune as a Commodore Force Megastar !
11 Erm but I think you will find that well covered in Arnold 's book .
12 ‘ A transceiver , which means it can transmit as well as receive .
13 As the government of Norway was to state during the free trade discussions of 1958 , ‘ whatever the United Kingdom does we must do as well ’ .
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