Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [v-ing] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet she could n't lose herself in the story ; the movements of Luke 's hand as he made lightning sketches , the lazy , sinuous stretching of his legs as he shifted his position impinged upon her concentration , and she found herself reading the same page over and over .
2 I am slightly irritated to find myself thinking the same thought at the same point every evening , but also rather comforted .
3 Colin is the first to acknowledge that he really needs Mister C. It might sound a little ridiculous , but you could almost see them developing the same kind of double act as Flavor Flav and Chuck D. The prof and the prat .
4 Do you see yourself having the same sort of lifestyle now like James
5 He 's not Robinson Crusoe , there are other old newspaper owners so he will say okay the government in Australia is doing what I like , therefore my newspapers or usually most of my newspapers , in fact one or two of them wo n't , will support that government and that government can be totally different one in the United States where in the Washington Post or you know in the New York Post or whatever will go and attack or support because he thinks it 's in the less interest that his commercial interest and the U S because he sees us doing the same thing there .
6 Exactly 11 years later , I find myself doing the same job , this time in the Kremlin .
7 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
8 Well I must n't keep you talking because the more I , the more I keep you talking the less time you have to do it .
9 She began to look , with a somewhat dull kind of hopefulness , for somebody friendly , not too much in a hurry , walking the opposite way , although it would be more reasonable , really , to ask somebody walking the same way .
10 If only to stop you making the same mistake twice , eh ? ’
11 On Exercise that morning he had tossed his offering the few inches from his pocket to a waiting bucket .
12 He is earning his living the same way in Karachi .
13 ‘ We want the pair of them struck off to prevent them doing the same thing again , ’ he said .
14 In an automatic attempt to improve this the sender will find himself repeating the same statements several times , with variations , in response to repeated questions from the receivers .
15 Ever since the result of the General Election , I have taken for granted that , on Baldwin 's defeat in the House of Commons , the King would send for Ramsay MacDonald ; and I have deprecated any attempt to prevent his having the same facilities which would be accorded to any Minister entrusted by the Sovereign with the formation of a Government .
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