Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb past] [been] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The current , soon to retire , director of the Association , who came with me to meet him had been in London for a meeting of the environmental advisory group for and so he was having a taxi to Kings Cross which I jumped into too and got dropped off at Goodge Street , right outside the door of my next ( Industrial Editors ) meeting with just a few minutes to spare , so that went more smoothly than one might have ever dreamt or hoped for .
2 One did not have to attend school meals with the boys over the week-end if one was off duty ; and the only master who might have noticed I had been away was Méli himself , but as it happened he 'd been in Athens .
3 Dr McGarry claimed it had been in response to the earlier statement and he welcomed the decision .
4 Connolly denied the charges but the court heard that swabs taken from his hands indicated he had been in contact with explosives and that he was found in possession of a key to the front door of the second house .
5 ‘ I would n't have known you 'd been in computers . ’
6 He said : ‘ I thought I had been in time . ’
7 One night as she lay in bed with her husband , she heard ‘ a sound of melody so sweet and delectable , that she thought she had been in paradise ’ .
8 One anonymous caller told police he thought he had been in prison with the man during the 1960s and another believed he may have worked with the kidnapper two years ago .
9 He wanted us to think he 'd been in Retford .
10 ‘ I always wished I 'd been in love and run away when I was young . ’
11 ‘ The programme notes said you 'd been in Cats . ’
12 Emily , swimming vigorously , came to assist her , and together they managed to reach shallow water , where Gwendolen promptly denied she had been in danger .
13 They admit he 'd been in trouble before but say he did n't deserve to die this way .
14 The evil wind that bombed Manhattan 's World Trade Center nevertheless blew some good to the disaster recovery specialists : SunGard Data Systems Inc says it has been contacted by four subscriber companies seeking disaster recovery services following the blast — two in Four World Trade Center , one in Two World Trade Center and one in One World Trade Center ; and Comdisco Inc said it is providing disaster recovery services to three financial services companies hit by the blast , while IBM Corp 's disaster recovery unit said it had been in touch with ‘ a lot ’ of its customers , but that so far none of its customers had had to declare their workplaces to be disaster areas .
15 Roderick Hunt , defending Brooklyn , said he had been in custody for five weeks .
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