Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a typically Chinese way , when I was discharged , the doctor who had treated me escorted me to the car , and shook hands and asked if I had any complaints , as he knew the hospital left plenty of room for improvement .
2 I picked up a fallen branch , and as he passed I struck him on the head .
3 It 'll slide on ca I mean I moved it into the corner so that erm
4 I mean I found it in the past , you know any infection what so ever just knocks you for six .
5 People say I kicked him in the head but there is no way I would do that . ’
6 Perhaps it 's new , she bought I expect she bought it in the States I should think .
7 ‘ And you say she kept it in a drawer ? ’
8 Say she enticed him into the woods and became demanding in every way and heavily emotional , piling on pressure .
9 Say you lost him in the crowd .
10 Behrend who entertained us in the Officers ' Mess for an evening meal and breakfast .
11 But surprising the people that you do n't realise , you know , it troubles the parents and as I say they took them to a number of specialists and given different things
12 ‘ I expect he did it for the insurance , ’ Dangerfield said .
13 Some say he took it from an Indian funeral chant , others from a poem by a U.S. poet Mary Fry , though no one seems to know anything else about the lady .
14 As mentioned earlier , it is possible to treat certain phobias ( although not all ) by hypnosis without ever having to discover what caused them in the first place , and for some patients this is all they require .
15 In a sense this was so , but on the other hand the activity of town planning soon got bogged down in a technical bureaucracy , losing the dash and verve which sustained it during the 1940s .
16 Judging from your usual acerbic frame of mind , I imagine you flushed them down the sink long ago . ’
17 She says they condemned her to a lifetime of pain and disability .
18 He says they asked her to the disco .
19 The tale of Simon the Athenian appears in Samuel Sharp 's History of Stamford of 1847 , where he says he found it in a ‘ quaint old black-letter record ’ .
20 ‘ Several people who were present say he was n't , and a cabby says he delivered him to the Post on Friday afternoon .
21 When it was done he ordered her into the sleeping-bag .
22 ‘ You mean you wanted me from the moment you saw me ? ’
23 Very glad to see you made it on the list , James .
24 And handed them handed them to the people .
25 Would you believe I found it on a stall in the flea market only last week ? ’
26 He tapped her on the shoulder-Excuse me — and when she turned he took her by the wrist and round the waist , holding her close , whisking her on to the floor .
27 Then one day Mr Flowerdew he went out and bought a horse , a rather special horse ; and when he wanted it shod he sent it to the blacksmith shop at Scole , Mr Woodcock 's .
28 I spect someone chucked it off the bridge .
29 Once the fry hatched I moved them into a tank of their own .
30 ‘ I ca n't believe it … definitely the Hamlet if I want it — I 've worked with those people before ; remember I told you about the provincial-theatre year ? ’ she said , scrambling her words .
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