Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I reacted to this story in the way Stuart expected .
2 The Seagate drives I used for this article required 2 jumper connections made on the master drive , and all the connectors removed from the slave drive …
3 Well as I say I went for this interview and she phoned me last Sunday did n't she ?
4 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
5 McLeish found himself shocked by this piece of feminine sharpness and must have registered something because his sergeant blushed .
6 Frankl himself came through four concentration camps with an unimpaired , nay an enhanced , mentality .
7 These phrases do , however , have the ring of truth in an aesthetic sense — or rather there was an aesthetic process involved which had to some extent its own story .
8 However , our experience was that the very week that our new church planting team began to meet , with such rosy hopes , a violent row between two families occurred which resulted in one couple leaving the team and the church .
9 The French say she died of ill health !
10 So this was quite a mission which I believe has not been adequately covered in the history and was a forerunner of things to come and like I say we got through that mission without any damage , our gunners got to shoot at the first German fighters and we were an experienced crew with one mission under our belt .
11 When the music stopped they looked at each other for a long moment , then reluctantly drew apart .
12 It seems unlikely that the dance was copied into the score at the wrong point : if it had been , one would expect to find it headed by some warning that it belonged several pages later — otherwise severe complications would result in orchestral parts copied from the score .
13 Unfortunately they were again delayed by rough terrain , and when they got to the road they found it choked with German armour heading for the front .
14 The anger obsessed her , but later she turned it on herself and found it mixed with shamed bewilderment .
15 And he said well just get yourself home and tell your father that I want it paid for this time because I only replaced that glass last week , which he had
16 But I must admit I 've got to know what happened with that goal , or free kick in
17 Through no fault of their own , through deformity or genetic accident , they found themselves marginalized by Indian society , turned into something half-way between a talisman and an object of ridicule .
18 Unfortunately this is the way the Tory always play their ploys on Highfield , they always think they are the champions of Highfield issue unfortunately they do not know what transpired in that area , they do not know the deprivation in that area .
19 We will never know what happened during that operation because , like most English people , we suffer from excessive politeness with figures of authority and we do n't question or harass them when their explanations seem superficial .
20 In this particular interview irony was continuously deployed against almost any remark other boys made which hinted at any involvement with the text .
21 He has two or three bidets in his house in Beverly Hills , but he has never seen them used in this way , with gusto .
22 Although there are numerous examples of local groups undertaking practical projects which are most encouraging , I would have liked to have seen them covered in more detail .
23 And when she woke she turned with such longing to where he had lain and called his name and thought she would do anything for him , anything at all he wanted , because she loved him , she loved him , she loved him .
24 Haff you heard at aal apout a maan caald Menzies ? ’ one asked the other in a broad parody of the Gaelic accent .
25 In the shallows several men were pushing what looked like triangular bamboo ploughs through the water .
26 The cupola turned out to be a kind of gigantic cauldron erected high in one corner of the building where she had earlier noticed what looked like volcanic lava trickling downwards .
27 I mean she got into this barley with us ; and there was some playing about .
28 Other performance results are more difficult to quantify , but a basic uncached 25MHz 486SX PC turned in Power Test results of around 7,000 to 7,500 , while the uncached Greenfield 33MHz machine I looked at this month came in at 8,619 .
29 As her father had so often complained , to engage with this task was to enter a labyrinth , and it seemed that whichever way she turned she came to this impasse .
30 Beyond investigating who engaged in actual plotting , we can examine riots and demonstrations which seem to have had Jacobite overtones , and also look at more individual statements of Jacobite sympathy such as the uttering of seditious words .
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