Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you say she kept it in a drawer ? ’
2 But surprising the people that you do n't realise , you know , it troubles the parents and as I say they took them to a number of specialists and given different things
3 Inevitably , when he arrived home he found he had nothing but a blank sheet of photographic paper .
4 Some say he took it from an Indian funeral chant , others from a poem by a U.S. poet Mary Fry , though no one seems to know anything else about the lady .
5 Before he could speak I introduced myself as a friend of the family .
6 I 'm just like my mum , when it comes down to it , That 's why I quite admired Auntie Muriel , in a guarded sort of way I 'd think , I really should try to be like her , she was so content , nothing ever fazed her , I did n't want to be a farmer , understand , but I did n't want to be like mum either , tied to a feckless man , trying to keep him and me , having to hustle all the time to stop from sinking I fancied myself on a corporate asteroid , settling down with someone who would cherish me and buy me everything I wanted Carmen and her crew had the same ideas , even if they acted like they were going to be bad girls for ever ,
7 She says they condemned her to a lifetime of pain and disability .
8 The tale of Simon the Athenian appears in Samuel Sharp 's History of Stamford of 1847 , where he says he found it in a ‘ quaint old black-letter record ’ .
9 From its first issue it identified itself as a coordinating centre for research in English studies , and indeed , the development of an identity based upon research for the discipline can be seen to have been one of its major functions .
10 Would you believe I found it on a stall in the flea market only last week ? ’
11 Last year you will remember I caused something of a sensation by announcing that this boat would cost £1m to build , this year it is the boat herself which is causing the sensation . ’
12 He 'd managed to walk out of a locked ward at the Fairmile psychiatric hospital , and it 's thought he threw himself under an express train .
13 He claimed he associated himself with an abnormality that characterised the outstanding personalities of history , such as Confucius , Jesus Christ , Julius Caesar and Hitler .
14 I did n't re I thought he actually made a person , I did n't realize he made himself into a person .
15 Once the fry hatched I moved them into a tank of their own .
16 When the BUF developed it created something of a stir as the various political parties adjusted to its presence .
17 For example , suppose you observed someone in a meeting intermittently tapping their left foot .
18 I suppose she saw him as an escape . ’
19 Some have expected to sleep with anyone they fancied who treated them to a night out — or , in the case of a man , expected bed for the night in return for dinner .
20 Beyond the 6th of October bridge we found ourselves amongst an agitated crowd .
21 ‘ I believe they wired it to a car battery and the body asked if Danie Craven is still President of the South African Rugby Board ’ — UNNAMED SOUTH AFRICAN PLAYER on hearing that a Bronze Age body had been found perfectly preserved in an Alpine glacier .
22 I cried out in relief and happiness : I thought I recognised him as a former schoolmate , a boy with whom I used to exchange groans about the maths problems whose solutions so frequently eluded us .
23 Before my mother died she told me of a letter to me , held in the bank , which I was to receive on her death .
24 Thought you said something about a chicken .
25 And then she quite confounded me by doing exactly what I advised , and I always thought she took me for a crank whose horse sense , if any , was a forced calm not to be heeded .
26 She always had half an eye for him ; sometimes I thought she watched him as a tamer does a tiger .
27 But she knew he had her at a complete disadvantage , and he knew it , too .
28 Well she never looked brown all the time , do you know , I do n't think it affected her after a while .
29 Their life was one for which she was very unfitted , and her gigantic effort to enjoy it struck him as a piece of self-deception .
30 But now she suddenly realised it fitted him like a glove .
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