Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] in the [det] " in BNC.

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1 You might need it later in the same flight ; if it is n't there , you ca n't use it .
2 We still celebrate it much in the same pagan tradition with a heavy indulgence , in gift giving and illuminating Christmas trees in an imitative magic to help the Sun regain its strength .
3 He did not meet his mother from infancy until the age of twelve , when they found themselves accidentally in the same workhouse : but instead of the ‘ gush of tenderness ’ between them of which he had dreamt , ‘ her expression was so chilling that the valves of my heart closed as with a snap …
4 Perhaps they had even bought them together in the same store , on the same day .
5 Art is not , as the metaphysicians say , the manifestation of some Idea of beauty or God ; it is not , as the aesthetic physiologists say , a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy ; it is not the expression of man 's emotions by external signs ; it is not the production of pleasing objects ; and , above all , it is not pleasure but it is a means of union among men joining them together in the same feelings , and indispensable for the life and progress towards wellbeing of individuals and humanity .
6 Every sunset the apes would return from their day 's foraging to sleep in the branches of this giant tree , and we were driven to distraction by our repeated attempts to film them properly in the few seconds after they arrived and before the sun set .
7 If you can not leave your children with anyone , find someone else in the same position as yourself and take the babies with you .
8 I hit him again in the same place , a little harder .
9 Guy was always very close to his older sister , and after his accident she treated him consistently in the same way as she had before , which helped him to regain his normal social skills very quickly .
10 On the second day after she first saw the white gleam she saw it again in the same place .
11 As the group grew to 2,000 people I still knew the key people and was able to approach them even in the latter days when I was one of many . ’
12 They were shooed away by the Sheikha , who rebuked them for being naughty and greeted me almost in the same breath .
13 Both men said it together in the same explosive voice and Maggie was n't sure which one to look at .
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