Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] [vb base] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She walked past Tara to where Guy Sterne still lounged on his chair , keeping her eyes level as she met his .
2 ‘ New bugs are wets and weeds their mummies blub when they kiss them goodbye while seniors such as me hem-hem stand grimly by licking their slobering chops .
3 We may not like what fans do and we may view aggro leaders and their like as unhappy reminders of a violent society in which we live .
4 All of us who recall our dreams recognize that they come in two different categories .
5 And mind you get your nails clean before you get into bed . ’
6 I ask did I have my eyes shut when I kicked him , er
7 She had a heavily lined face , a prominent , almost hawk-like nose , but she had kindly eyes and every so often she would display a vein of sharp humour that suggested her family had to keep their shoes clean when they approached her little parlour .
8 Kylie and sister Danielle would have their fans believe that they could n't be closer and that any hint of rivalry is all in the imagination of the press .
9 None of them are taking their husbands see but they 're taking friends .
10 In his introductory lecture , Eliot quotes W. P. Ker 's praise of Browning and nineteenth-century poets whose ‘ themes are taken from all the ages and countries ; the poets are eclectic students and critics , and they are justified , as explorers are justified ; they sacrifice what explorers sacrifice when they leave their native home . ’
11 Many African farmers who are helped by western aid agencies to improve their crops find that they can not sell what they grow because local markets are swamped by cheap western imports — or by food aid .
12 Why make your executives compromise when they can enjoy driving both ?
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