Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] [coord] [pron] is " in BNC.

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1 The authority is not bound to accept his recommendations but it is rare for many , or any of substance , to be overruled .
2 " King Darzin , " he sniffled , " that wicked thief El-ahrairah , has said he will steal your lettuces and he is coming to trick you and get into the garden . "
3 For the Prime Minister and his colleagues , the House can be useful in providing a forum in which they can explain their policies and it is , in any case , necessary to legalize government actions and to vote money .
4 They have not used their powers and there is now total deregulation in this country .
5 Many patients may not feel able to express their fears and it is therefore important to recognise other signs of anxiety .
6 Most of us do not find it easy to imagine our futures and it is extremely rare to meet an individual capable of projecting himself mentally more than about five years ahead .
7 Systems are relevant to how you run your office , not how you run your cases and there is little reference to the transaction criteria .
8 Spokesman David Pipe said : ‘ Our investigators are continuing their inquiries and everything is in their hands .
9 There was some doubt as to whether the cleaner was an independent contractor , but the occupiers were held liable as they had failed to take reasonable steps to check that the work had been reasonably done : " The craft of the charwoman may have its mysteries but there is no esoteric quality in the nature of the work which the cleaning of a snow covered step demands . "
10 ‘ Forgive me , ’ Athelstan said quietly , ‘ I do not wish to call you liars but there is a great mystery here and you are party to it . ’
11 Both proponents and protesters are right to present their views and it is incumbent on politicians to ensure that adequate regulatory controls provide as large a degree of environmental protection as is possible when dealing with the relatively unknown .
12 Terraces , walls , lawns and borders all play their parts but it is only by judicious planting that we can ensure as much joy in January as in June .
13 Each set of theories offers us insights but none is conclusive .
14 There 's another =nother thing about any course but particularly this one where there 's sort of lots of subjects and a bit of overlap it is difficult to get a good system for organizing your notes but it is essential .
15 But your conclusion can properly come to a decision on one side , and need not remain balanced ( so avoid : " both sides have their virtues and it is difficult to decide between them " ) .
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