Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun pl] so that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They shackled my legs so that I could not run .
2 Then he deliberately looked back to meet her eyes so that she would know that he had made a decision With a slight lift of his shoulders , he accepted his decision .
3 She achieves birth , instead , by bracing her body against the ground with her forelegs and then inflating her lungs so that they swell into her abdomen and squeeze the young out by pneumatic pressure .
4 Len moved his eyes so that he was staring at Jimmy .
5 He says horror films and books often portray snakes as monsters ; now he wants people to get to know his reptiles so that they stop fearing them .
6 As an example of unreliable sensory feeling try closing your eyes and , using your senses and feelings only place your feet so that they are twelve inches apart , parallel with each other .
7 ‘ Apart from that , how could I allow him to play when the Scottish League have already altered their fixtures so that none of my home-based players would be playing today ?
8 Robyn gripped the fountain until her knuckles whitened and spoke with a great deal of effort , concentrating on forming her words so that they did n't sound slurred .
9 A woman who is generally satisfied will organize her days so that she is not overcome by the many demands on her time .
10 Muggers aim to terrify their victims so that they ca n't react rationally .
11 In the new circumstances , ministers may feel justified in taking a little longer to reach their conclusions so that they can not be accused of hasty actions which they might later regret .
12 I will give you gifts so that you are better off for ever … " )
13 Flexing his fingers so that they popped with the cold , he looked around tensely .
14 Time it so the breath runs out as the arms reach full stretch , then breathe in through your nose and at the same time , start to clench your fists and bend your elbows so that they are again near your shoulders , elbows down .
15 They the frame was er constructed on on er two trestles and , of course , er you put your trestles so that you could balance it , so that it was n't so heavy to lift .
16 I came to the braided reaches of the river where it swung out over the sands , and adjusted my steps so that I cleared all the channels easily and cleanly , a leap at a time .
17 Rain streaked her cheeks so that he was unable to tell whether she was weeping .
18 Seeing his eyes move away from her mouth for the first time since the whole affair had begun , she shook her shoulders so that her full , rounded gourds trembled like jelly .
19 In effect , this has forced many small to medium-sized component manufacturers out of business and encouraged larger manufacturers to internationalise their operations so that they can supply assembly plants overseas .
20 Well there 's no question but which therapists and people of medical profession have come across cases of people who have indeed been scarred for their whole lives and and found it very difficult to maintain trust and relationships and and be able to achieve their potential as a result of the sorts of situations that they endured , and perhaps we 're more understanding about those sorts of areas of the human need to be able to express anxiety and to feel that to express fears is is not something that 's going to overwhelm people that are around us , so that adults who are in the care of children , be they teachers , or parents , or child care workers , can allow children to express their feelings so that they do n't need to hold on to them and thereby increase the fears that they have .
21 And he had bitten his nails so that his fingers hurt and ran with blood .
22 But we did n't clean our chalets so that nobody could stay in !
23 The first step involves someone talking with you , and perhaps your carer , to identify and understand your needs so that we can provide services best suited to you .
24 ‘ Oh , do n't be boring , Robyn ! ’ he mumbled , and then , before she could get up , do anything , he was pushing all his weight against her , pressing her back against the bed , half lying across her , holding her wrists so that she had no way of fighting him off .
25 We counsel people if they are in debt to other organisations as well as ourselves we offer money advice to help them to manage their debts so that they pay off all the debts at
26 Somebody was supporting his shoulders so that he could drink .
27 So can you move your chairs so that you can stand up quickly .
28 Further back , Judi had envied Anne her college boyfriend , had always tried to impress and amuse the older girl , had briefly tried to copy her clothes and food preferences , had longed to be asked to share her toys so that she could express her devotion through generosity .
29 She swayed to and fro ; she almost slipped down onto the ground beside the dead queen in the mud but Finn kept hold of her no matter how hard she struck at him , lightly clasping her shoulders so that she would not fall .
30 The horse must prick its ears so that it looks ‘ happy ’ : it must not be relaxed and content with its ears backwards , either listening or resting , or else everyone will think that it is ‘ sour ’ .
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