Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And he was going again , but when he wanted his clothes to go my mother had cut them up and burnt them !
2 He could see that whatever was agitating his friend had pushed him to the limit but he judged it better to let him get it off his chest than keep it bottled up .
3 ‘ He knew we were watching his mother , but he did not know his wife had told us where he 'd hidden her . ’
4 Fry feared the worst when he arrived for training yesterday morning to find his wife had called him three times already .
5 On the day of the overdose Charles and Ann had a row before he went to work , and later Charles came home to find his wife had left him .
6 The Italian crowd went berserk when they realised their man had lost his title , and showered Benn with coins and rubbish .
7 Jane realised her desperation had led her to saying something foolish .
8 The order came at the end of the summer term and , just as the holidays were beginning , the teacher who was going to replace my father arrived to see what kind of strange specimens he was going to land among and what sort of house he and his family were going to live in .
9 She took him to herself and loved him in the mystical , supreme way she believed her mother had loved her father ; she gave him everything — her innocence , her youth , her maidenhead .
10 Matthew Ryan says his girlfriend had warned him there would be a few people to greet him but nothing like this .
11 But before she could finish his mouth had covered hers and she had no time to analyse the consequences or curse herself for being so weak .
12 Knowing how much his brother had meant to him and how happy Jonathan 's slow progress towards regaining his health had made him , Julia could hardly say , ‘ I 'm so sorry they 're dead . ’
13 We had to repossess what fate had handed us on a plate , and the only way to do this was to claim that we had willed it all along .
14 ‘ Right , ’ Bernice said , remembering what Spike had told her about them .
15 In slang used at the time , to open your budget meant to speak your mind .
16 Erm by nineteen forty eight no in in nineteen forty seven with the rise of absolute egalitarianism , the policy of narrowing its base had helped them to erm get the peasant support and to get into power but that was no longer necessary erm and the radicalization of land reform it appears had been based upon false premises which had created problems in the countryside and the Party .
17 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
18 Now those were the issues that were leading us sir had left us to make an objection to this structure plan that we thought erm the detailed papers on it were sent to the county in our in our objections , they led us to by a series of calculations to come to the view that around about a hundred hectares would be more appropriate for Harrogate , this is in addition to its Greater York supplement , erm than what is now settled upon which is sixty hectares .
19 When Mrs J discovered her son had opened her will , relations broke down completely and Mrs J found herself locked out of her home .
20 GULF War hero Paul Butler , who saw two pals killed in the American ‘ friendly fire ’ attack , went berserk when he heard his wife had left him for another man .
21 As a half-eaten plate of delicious boeuf en croûte was lifted away from her , Katherine heard her mother say , ‘ And do you know , one day when Katherine was tiny , she stole the engagement ring my husband had given me . ’
22 Giving himself dialogue seemed to calm him and he stood for a moment , arms idle at his side , breathing slowly and heavily .
23 A viewer with the same problem wrote to me , saying her doctor refused to give her any more and she was on the point of suicide .
24 Chesarynth looked at his sybaritic features and decided his laziness had made him prefer fleshly pleasures to work .
25 And Reynolds said that the fight to clear his name had made him a stronger person .
26 He preferred to count what rugby had given him , as he remarked to his squad when the tourists handed out their thank-you presents at a private party the morning after the Second Test .
27 He could n't bring himself to believe what Ace had told him about the TARDIS 's ability to move .
28 Partly , I was n't doing the work because I thought my tutor had decided I was a poof but , more importantly , I was dragging my feet because I was n't keen on the work itself .
29 After all the tubes had gone my family came to see her , before that they did n't want to come and see her .
30 But she knew her hesitation had given him a lead .
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