Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [noun sg] [is] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 delivered daily do n't you I 'm going to have to go my lunch is on the table .
2 A more and more popular way for undiscovered artists to exhibit their work is on the walls of London 's restaurants and wine bars .
3 ‘ There is a man here , Miss Veness , who says his wife is on the encephalitic ward .
4 He says no , but he , he , he still half owns it , he says his name 's on the lease , I said but it still do n't make it right that if he , if he earned half of it then half the bills are his
5 I 'm afraid I … but … oh , I see … no , I did n't realize your job is on the line if I do n't …
6 Roll the window down just enough to make yourself heard and tell them help is on the way .
7 People are urged to lobby their MP 's on the issue and question Texaco on its Employment Policy by phoning ( O1 ) 584 5OOO or by writing to Texaco , 1 Knightsbridge Green , London SWl .
8 ‘ Hill Street are a good side , but I think our name is on the trophy , ’ he says .
9 She says I would like to go up to Manchester soon and I 'm hoping my car is on the road because the trains to Manchester are pretty costly compared to the price of the petrol in my car .
10 Bull claims its strength is on the commercial side while IBM wins more of the technical deals .
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