Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I bang on them , drag them all over the place , throw them around ! ’
2 To the uninitiated it might seem that the shunters are engaged in a game of hide-and-seek with the trucks ; they appear to scatter them all over the yard , as if their object were to separate many of them as completely as possible .
3 I 've got several people helping me all over the area , and I watch three or four games on a Sunday myself . ’
4 What are we doing Wednesday ? yes , we 'll have one there , and we 'll have one there , I 'm sticking them all over the place , but you 'll see what I mean .
5 Yes I have to carry them all over the place .
6 I 've gathered them slowly over the years , because they 're cruelly expensive .
7 I me , well you can never find anything if you got them all over the place !
8 Loads of people had let him down over the years , so I did n't want to be one of them .
9 Like all the maidens , in all the stories , half seduced and half petrified , she consented to Fenna 's plans and he swept her high on his great wings and bore her away over the roofs of London and higher and higher cavorting and caracolling through the star-spun night .
10 ‘ No need to spell it out over the phone , Harry .
11 Simpson raises his hands in the air , United have got Andy Melville and Steve Foster at the far post , Simpson still delays taking the kick , now it comes in , he knocks it in to the far post , looking for Paul , Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored .
12 Paul heads it back over the top — and they 've scored , Oxford United have scored , it 's Andy Melville that has put the ball into the net , into injury time .
13 He had turned to look at her , slipping off his coat as he did so and tossing it carelessly over the back of one of the armchairs .
14 The Evil One may not have come between us and God on a personal level , but as an army he has scattered us all over the place , dumped us unceremoniously in our little religious ghettoes and subcultures , and left us to our own devices .
15 He remained keen on jiving and would throw himself all over the place , hair wild and eyes sparkling .
16 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
17 I dare say that you too , Mr. Speaker , were inspired by all you saw , and of course you have visited them all over the years and have great experience of this subject .
18 ( He achieved a great feat of maritime engineering by building ships on the Atlantic shore , transporting them bodily over the hills he had explored and sailing them off into the Pacific . )
19 Martin Fleischmann told me how over a whiskey in Pons ' kitchen he remarked , ‘ It 's a billion to one chance , shall we do it ? ’ and Pons replied , ‘ Let's have a go . ’
20 Yeah , oh do n't tip them all over the table sweetheart
21 It is urging me on over the years bidding me neglect those that were without Cathenne , where as I set out to tell the story of my life , the dull with the bright , the gray with the green , all the Sundays Mondays and Tuesdays of it at least sufficiently to suggest them .
22 He lifted her easily over the bolster .
23 ‘ I had known David for quite a long time ; we come from Cambridge and I knew him vaguely in the early days — I remember when he joined the Floyd in fact — and I 'd seen him socially over the years .
24 ‘ I have to admit we let him down over the gearbox which was slipping out of sixth gear and we have apologised for that .
25 Her movements brisk and businesslike though her mind was imitating a tumble-drier , she gave his sleeping-bag another quick but thorough shake and spread it out over the mattress .
26 Rush and Hughes have done it all over the years .
27 right , tie it off in a reef knot , if you 've got bits that are left dangling they 're too long and you ca n't go round again because it 's gon na make it too tight , you can either tuck them in or else you can fold them down , a nice clean plaster and put it right over the top , okay ?
28 Who 's had spaghetti and put it all over the floor ? .
29 I must admit , I think it had been better if they 'd moved it all over the weekend and then just put it straight again on the Monday , that would be .
30 Boswell had by now made it plain over a number of years that he wished to write Johnson 's Life .
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