Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [subord] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And i thought , right , I think I 've just about got time to nip home and fetch that fire wood and pick them up when they you see ?
2 ‘ That performance against Palace worries me more than anything I have seen so far this season .
3 It prepared me better than anything I 'd read or seen for the crisp exterior and soft centre of the Big Apple .
4 E/1omund 's daughter E/1owyn rides into battle and confronts the Nazgul Lord and kills him even though she herself lies near to death for a time afterwards .
5 By the 1920s when Mussolini , partly influenced by the elite theorists , proclaimed his scornful opposition to democracy , such a position marked you out as one who resisted the broad tendency of all politics since 1789 .
6 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
7 When they first start breathing correctly again , they feel they 're doing it wrong because what they were doing before felt correct . ’
8 Nae way are we doing it now when we we 've got the scaffolding up to gan up .
9 I asked him instead if he himself had talked to any of the owners ' party .
10 if someone just says sort of , straight off and asks you especially if you you think , Ooh he 's asking me here maybe they 're not , maybe they are .
11 Well maybe , maybe they maybe they change it round when there there 's something on there and there 's no darts on or that .
12 I did , but I , I do n't get everything up if it I 'm not knocking on doors for it .
13 His wife set him up cos he he 's always the one
14 I 'll turn it round while you you nip in .
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