Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
2 I do n't think I really expected to see it , but when I did it amused me to follow you , and when you stopped in Wexford it was idle curiosity that prompted my behaviour , nothing else . ’
3 Thompson , 29 , said : ‘ I was feeling tired , suffering from cramp and with only five minutes to go I just decided to give it a whack .
4 Only because so many people complain , I mean I just had to do something .
5 More than 3,000 turned out for a rally organised by 2 hoteliers who say they just had to do something .
6 I expect he just wanted to make us very ill . ’
7 It obviously took a while to find my feet with the group but when I had done I really started to enjoy myself .
8 They know how to set traps , they know how to ask you questions which will lead you into using emotive words , they will have you on tape , they will also possibly be in a position to edit that tape , and at the end of the day you can not say , ‘ I did n't say that , ’ because I have a piece of tape that says you actually did say it .
9 Initially , of course , those who drove her out had to justify their actions to Elizabeth and prevent the English queen making any serious attempt to restore her sister of Scotland ; and they used that scholar of European distinction , George Buchanan , as their apologist , thus enabling the grave and learned humanist to display a remarkable talent for writing , as it were , copy for the Sun in the style of The Times , in his sensational Ane detectioun of the doinges of Marie quene of Scottes .
10 I mean you just kept breaking your promises
11 But he would n't believe I really wanted to do it , called me a drop-out .
12 ‘ It was excellent — great fun , ’ said Andy , adding they also managed to give their boss , housing manager Mike Thomas , a scare into the bargain .
13 Than when the ambulance men arrived they also tried to revive it .
14 I do believe he almost tried to catch them but I was too busy by then , swinging up the trumpet case and trying to use it as a battering-ram into Shifty-Eyes ' midriff , or private parts if I was lucky .
15 Not as fa not the dancing but when she was working in an office you know they just needed to show her something once and she could pick it up .
16 That principle was enlisted where a disposition was defective , and rested on the fiction that the nuncupatio had been correctly performed but the copyist who had noted it down had left something out .
17 ‘ I got to were I was 17 or 18 and I decided I just wanted to live my life .
18 I just grabbed I just granted granted his wish and I
19 Please believe I never meant to hurt you . ’
20 ‘ And I suppose you only had to flash your smile at the women in the village to have them all falling over themselves to tell you more . ’
21 ‘ But I find it impossible to believe you ever intended to marry my father . ’
22 A campesina spoke up , saying she too had seen him hand over the knife .
23 Suppose he really meant to find her first , because he wanted her out of the way .
24 We could n't talk because I believe he badly wanted to telephone someone who had just returned from China , so it was just a handshake really .
25 The surge that brought them forward had cut them off .
26 I thought I probably had misunderstood you .
27 ‘ Everything went well in the warm-up and I thought I just had to lob it out to qualify .
28 It made Yeah I know it made that but I thought you just wanted to know what it gave off .
29 But Carssier thirty two insisted she only tried to defend herself after Rosemary repeatedly punched her !
30 All eleven hands of her were so pretty , and so faultless , that whoever saw her always wanted to take her home .
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