Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [pron] [noun] on the " in BNC.

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1 Creggan recognized some , like the mallard , the tufted duck , and the moorhen , but others Kraal would have to identify for him until he knew their names : wigeon , pintail , pochard … how he envied them their freedom on the pond .
2 But every year , and often more than once , he made the pilgrimage to Kidlington in Oxfordshire and on one of those visits ( I can not have been more than eight years old ) took me to Thame and showed me his name on the board as head boy .
3 If you could see your way to writing the first chapters of an autobiography I would be honoured to read it and give you my thoughts on the subject .
4 It is not so easy to gauge what his emphasis on the book 's Wagnerian aspect really implied .
5 We contacted renowned Höfner user and one of the fathers of popular British guitar , Bert Weedon , to give us his thoughts on the instrument .
6 A questionnaire is being sent to all local General Election candidates asking them their views on the subject .
7 Dr Wright is about to start another memory challenge for Britons — by asking them their whereabouts on the day the Prince and Princess of Wales 's separation was announced .
8 I suppose she had sent booties or a matinee jacket on the occasion of his birth , and sent him her love on the Christmas cards , but she did n't want to know what he was doing now .
9 Tony gave me his thoughts on the situation — about how pleased he was to be wandering around at four in the morning , in the pitch black , in deep snow , in the cold , in the wind .
10 Er this is quite commonly accepted as er in use in many places and I think my our colleagues on the other side of the table have been using the same basic modelling methodology .
11 Their answers varied in length and opinion and the only common ground was a sense of gratitude that finally , someone had thought to ask them their views on the subject …
12 However , it seems to me that there is something a little perverse in leaving me your notes on the making of the Big Glass when you must have known perfectly well that they contained material I would be certain to find offensive .
13 All that he could think of was to show her his work on the counter and the panelling , which was probably as good as anything that he 'd ever done .
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