Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] that the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Many thinkers such as Owen , Fourier , Saint-Simon and Blanc saw the root of injustice as the competitive system of free markets , which led them to argue that the gulf between rich and poor and the exploitation of the one by the other , would not be abolished until some form of socialist state was established .
2 I mean , this is nothing to do with a do n't worry that 's we do n't want them thinking that the house is the issue cos it is n't , alright ?
3 It was in fact my experience of working with the banks and institutions for the recapitalisation and reconstruction of John Brown which led me to think that the City is much maligned over its attitudes to industry and the accusation of short-termism is not justified .
4 Elcho told the House about Palmerston 's reaction to the delegation and , pointing to the Government 's slender majority , asked them to ensure that the subject would not become a ‘ see-saw ’ .
5 Well I would n't actually say nobody 's excited about it I mean I think that the way these things happen is that they they 're gradual rather than er
6 They want me to insist that the company sacks the foreman before they go back , but I 've told 'em I wo n't be a party to victimisation either way . ’
7 And you really expect me to believe that the return of the cheque was your idea ?
8 You expect me to believe that the board just chose me at random ?
9 Hayling had let them know that the move would complicate his personal life .
10 Nosing around the pier and harbour I learned that the fishing for ‘ 89 had been terrible , but not so bad for ‘ 90 .
11 He found himself hoping that the man would succeed in his plan to take a knot of followers remaining faithful to the Aten — if they existed — out to the deserts which , he had heard , extended to the east of the Great Green , and form an outpost of the new religion there .
12 The Government has itself predicted that the number of Legal Aid Certificates issued this year will drop from 410,000 to 287,000 which means that over 30% of those who should have received legal aid will be deprived of access to justice .
13 D' you think that the Government in Calcutta is prepared to leave us to our fate ?
14 But I want you to observe that the church family is growing is n't it ?
15 ‘ And I want you to know that the decision I have made has been mine and mine alone .
16 The old man wants you to know that the lion hunt for the producer fellow … ’
17 He named Francis Fukuyama , an American , whose ‘ End of History ’ article might tempt one to think that the struggle was over and to put one 's feet up , thinking that every alternative to economic liberalism , in recent times , had shown itself to be hopelessly flawed .
18 May I welcome his decision to hold a public inquiry about these proposals and urge him to ensure that the inquiry is held in such a way , in such a place and at such a time that the concerns of many thousands of people about the proposals can be fully communicated ?
19 Dexter had expected her to say that the day was to be spent seeking more evidence against David Parkin .
20 Has he noted that the Leader of the Opposition has turned this , like everything else , on its head ?
21 American scholars say it conforms that the idea of Jesus Christ was around almost 2,000 years before he was born on Earth .
22 Enjoy the fun of the ‘ greatest leaps ’ display which illustrates that the leap of a kangaroo is double that of the human Olympic record .
23 It was he who told me to see that the room was prepared for you . ’
24 The courts ' attitude did not depend on endowing the husband in such cases with the role of agent for the lender , but they demonstrated an equitable intervention in favour of married women where the lender knew of the husband/wife relationship , had done nothing to ensure that the wife understood the transaction , and she had received no independent advice .
25 The reason in both cases why the security given was unenforceable was that ( a ) the security was given by the wife of the debtor , ( b ) the creditor knew of the relationship , ( c ) the creditor had done nothing to ensure that the wife understand the transaction , ( d ) the wife did not properly understand the transaction , and ( e ) she had had no independent advice .
26 The actual state of the market is that it 's flooded with property , so we have a case where supply has increased , demand is still at a fairly low level , so we 're having to be very honest with our clients , our vendors , and let them know that the situation is that their property has to be of good value in the market place .
27 Let me add that the council tax is partly personal and partly property-based .
28 On the basis of a report delivered by Gorbachev on Feb. 7 a resolution was adopted which ruled that the independence declaration should be " regarded as having no standing " , and urged the Lithuanian communists to suspend their decision to break with the CPSU until the matter could be debated at the 28th party congress .
29 In some ways it is an improvement over yet older versions , sions , but I hope you realise that the information it encapsulates is much vaguer and less certain than the description I gave of what single cells can do .
30 is talking about a specific period , at the moment I hope you realize that the committee is paying all the admin costs in the hope that we are getting the money from .
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