Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] what be going " in BNC.

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1 Fact is , I do n't want them to see what 's going on in the next few hours .
2 Do you think I know what 's going on ?
3 DOES ANYONE ELSE YEARN FOR PEACE , love , etc and want somebody to help them understand what is going on ? ?
4 ‘ Few human geographers seem willing to come out of their national shells and take the wider view which would enable them to understand what is going on within their own countries ’ ( Thrift , 1986 , 62 ) .
5 ‘ I like you to know what 's going on .
6 Oh going back to the apprenticeship you were more or less left as you stood because I I thought that journeymen were very what 's the word very er they were only too willing to let you know what was going on and when you think about it you can see why .
7 Well it 's , I mean it 's letting them know what 's going off at other prisons .
8 The drives that bind one person to another are primitive and intense , and can be disturbing to our normal perceptions if we allow ourselves to see what is going on .
9 You 'll get the reporters , the TV , the media all intruding into your private life asking you to explain what 's going on .
10 I mean everybody knew what was going on , they might have had their own interpretations of what they 'd been told , but that happens , and as I said you know , every decision was voted on by the full lodge of the three quarries .
11 The therapist should encourage the client to describe these experiences in terms of the three-systems model ( physical , mental , behavioural ) , then ask them to describe what was going on in their life at the time , and what sort of stresses they were under .
12 Someone thinks he knows what is going on .
13 I 'll kill you if you do n't let me know what 's going on . ’
14 They would of course let me know what was going on as soon as possible .
15 I think I knew what was going to happen when I followed you upstairs .
16 What do you mean what 's going to be left over ?
17 Do you know what 's going to happen tonight ?
18 Do you know what 's going to be happening tomorrow ?
19 I 'm sorry you had to worry about me because I would n't let you know what was going on in my mind , but I hope now you 'll realise why I kept silent for so long .
20 They 're asking each other did they know what was going to happen ?
21 It takes about three days to get a call out and I remember DeFries did n't answer any of David 's calls because I think he knew what was going on .
22 Does she know what 's going on — why you 're doing this ? ’
23 Does she know what 's going on ?
24 North Shields and Cramlington are different , and those differences are important and they help us to understand what is going on .
25 Makes you wonder what 's going to happen in five years time . ’
26 Whether you 're going or staying , it makes you wonder what 's going on .
27 To make her see what 's going on around her .
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