Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [prep] they the " in BNC.

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1 Do they know who lies beside them the long night through , under the overhanging cliffs recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as having the only sunless spot in Britain , summer or winter ?
2 Before your children come to Heriot 's we would like you to discuss with them the aims of this School and the values on which we lay emphasis .
3 In other words , rats with hippocampal lesions have difficulty in refraining from punished responses because they can not remember what happened to them the last time that they did whatever it was that led to the punishment .
4 Both men are reporting what seem to them the facts of the case , and they are the more confident about doing so because no Englishman has arisen to rebut their arguments .
5 I know members will be sorry to hear that Mr Robert and Mr Ken are both unwell and will wish me to convey to them the council 's best wishes for a speedy recovery .
6 They are prevented from entering what appears to them the more appealing world of work , a world in which they can earn independence and the goods that money can buy .
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