Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 John asked me to help him the following year as I often came to Stamford to see my mother .
2 Why do you think I why do you think I gave you the fucking job eh ?
3 Now I want you to do it the hard way , I mean you would n't normally do it this way but when you 've got letters in you 've got no choice .
4 Now I want you to tell me the important part — why the hell are you so desperate that you 'll go to this extent in order to get your hands on the bequest ?
5 Having reached his destination , he remembered the message that he had been asked to give to his hostess : ‘ I travelled down with an uncle of yours and he told me to give you the following message , ’ he said .
6 Erm , let , let me give you the confusing bit .
7 They believed in the myth and Diana could not bring herself to tell them the awful truth .
8 I know that Coventry is nowhere near Calderdale , but let us see what the hon. Gentleman can do .
9 he wants to see you doing it the other way as well
10 ‘ If you would like me to forgive you the other half of your great debt , then fire the kiln tomorrow morning , well before dawn .
11 One evening he said he 'd like me to fetch him the following morning , as he wanted to make some bread .
12 You can use the REM statement to put remarks and comments in to your program to help you remember what the various bits of your program do .
13 Then he called for the caskets of gold in which was the balsam and the myrrh which the Soldan of Persia had sent him ; and when these were put before him he bade them bring him the golden cup , of which he was wont to drink ; and he took of that balsam and of that myrrh as much as a little spoon-full , and mingled it in the cup with rose-water and drank of it ; and for the seven days which he lived he neither ate nor drank aught else than a little of that myrrh and balsam mingled with water .
14 What , at least it will enable you to know what the tropical species are because some of them have got quite weird and wonderful names and most people do n't know what some of them are .
15 The names of these are , to say the least , a little esoteric , but , thankfully , as in almost every area of this program , and animated preview is available to let you see what the final effect is like .
16 Not to , I know we saw it the other night did n't we ?
17 I guess he taught me the right way , because after a couple of years , when I heard something , I knew what it was before any intellectual wheels were turning in my head .
18 I guessed where she had been , but I made her tell me the whole story .
19 No , but I mean they do it the easy way the
20 Yeah well they , they sold it at the wrong ti I mean they built it the wrong time did n't they ?
21 Erm it would be extremely difficult t for them not to occupy our thoughts , I 'm not sure whether your question is is inviting me to consider what the European Community should be doing in the context of Bosnia .
22 I 'll go through it again once we 've seen the film , and ask you to give me the main points that came out of the film .
23 DesignaKnit has a very helpful function which lets you decide what the maximum allowable float length ( in stitches ) can be .
24 By that time Barbara knew Leo very well , and she guessed how much it had cost him to tell her the whole unsavoury story .
25 My goal in this paper is to examine this literature critically , and then use it to ascertain what the appropriate antitrust treatment of research joint ventures should be .
26 He thought he knew who the tall young man might be .
27 ‘ I do n't think anyone knows what the immediate future holds at the moment . ’
28 When Caro made her escape after tea it was with all the usual feelings of guilt and frustration ; with her mother suggesting brightly , ‘ Just let me measure you for that new jumper before you go , Carolyn , ’ and , ‘ Did I show you the new suite we were thinking of getting , in the catalogue ?
29 Later , when Frankie and Liza , my brother and sister , came in from playing I told them the sad news , but they did n't seem very upset .
30 Did you know who the prospective owner was , ’ asked the Captain , ‘ when you discussed these plans ? ’
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