Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [verb] [adv] do [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But as I say I do n't do that kind of thing , I , I prefer to go away to the hills ,
2 Pity you did n't do that to Ryan . ’
3 Pity you did n't do that do that a bit earlier Chairman .
4 In fact how am I to know you did n't do all this just so we could be in this very position now ? ’
5 Pity they did n't do other stuff besides
6 I think they 've filled it in yeah and they did it quite smooth , pity they did n't do this one as well while they were I did n't quite understand it
7 The Serb action was a fresh setback for relief agencies faced with mounting hostility from Bosnian leaders and citizens who say they have not done enough to help feed up to 200,000 people trapped by Serbs in Muslim-held pockets of eastern Bosnia .
8 You would expect them to carry on doing that .
9 So far I have discussed the different criminologies of the previous two centuries with little reference to the problem of the concept of ‘ crime ’ itself : Worse , I have sometimes used ‘ crime ’ and ‘ deviance ’ interchangeably — though I hope I have only done this where the argument has happened to apply equally to both .
10 This is the grey area , we did n't call on the company we called on the implants and I hope we have n't done any damage , but what we have done and what the p
11 well he 's a solicitor , he says he does n't do any soliciting jobs on the
12 Anybody would think you have n't done this .
13 She had thought she knew how to do these things but this imposing woman was making her feel very gauche , very uncomfortable .
14 She does n't realize we 've just done this bit .
15 And going back to the taking of the bread to the erm er bakehouse erm if there was a fire going they did n't do that , because they were baked in the oven , but in the summertime we did it more often than in the winter , because if there was no fire you see , there was no gas cooker or anything like that , all the cooking was done on the coal fire and the oven at the side of it .
16 ‘ I do n't think we 'd better do that , however . ’
17 Now , I 'm glad you mentioned the award , because I know you did n't do this to do an award , but nevertheless you did get an award .
18 Now we do n't do wanted items or giveaways or anything like that , you know we do n't do that on the programme , that 's for other programmes .
19 Not surprising really since they know they did n't do these things .
20 They 're too embarrassed to actually part with them and so you have this very difficult decision as to whether to insist that you have their laundry or whether you allow them to go on doing that , causing them to live in a smelly environment .
21 She was off she was saying I have n't done this look
22 He was saying he does n't do any so his into the eh .
23 And if it is , I mean they do n't do much .
24 ‘ I felt I 'd already done Prime Suspect , ’ says Lynda , although she did supply the plot outline .
25 ‘ I thought I 'd already done that . ’
26 I thought I 'd better do all my jobs which I thought was going to be spread across the d the day .
27 ‘ I do n't suppose you 've ever done that before ? ’
28 Do n't forget we 've both done this a hell of a lot more times than you have ! ’
29 With a timetable to them we are in the best place to do it now cause we 're still learning we have only done three jobs , four now have n't we ? erm the Kathy procedure is definitely needed .
30 blob , blob , I think I 'd better do this one Tim , I have n't had a go yet
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