Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [modal v] get [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I 'll get much sleep tonight anyway so I might as well save it for food or something . ’
2 But you ca n't guarantee that , er , and once the supermarket developments er , have gone , then you 'll drop off down , down again , and again you 're affected by the rece recession , whereas people wo n't replace things like weighbridges , er , automatic weighing machines that sort of thing during the recession , if you come out of recession , then you might get , and you say you might get some increase in fees in that , that area .
3 It comprises a cash alternative worth up to 23p a share and 43p per preference share , but irate shareholders say they would get more money — 46p a share — if the company went into voluntary liquidation .
4 If there were difficult legal points to be resolved he would get legal aid .
5 It may consider it will get better marketing support from Novell and the Univel partnership than it has previously had from the relatively small SCO operation here .
6 I hope I can get plain sewing work enough where I need not spoil my fingers , but if I ca n't , I hope to mae my hands as red as blood pudding and as hard as a beechen trencher to accommodate them to my condition .
7 But I do n't think you 'll get much time .
8 Do you think you 'll get some tax back Geoff ?
9 I really do n't think you 'll get any money out the Student Union , and you wo n't get any money out of Ents , because Ents is bankrupt .
10 Now if we go back to two years ago on the question of whether or not we should accept erm almost do n't think you 'll get any reply the professional advice of an officer , two years ago or so we had the professional advice of an officer , we were looking at yearly report of the er inspector and
11 When I stayed with my husband and children at the Holcombe Hotel in Oxfordshire on the Great Escapes scheme this summer I was told I would get free accommodation as long as I stayed for two nights and paid for dinner and breakfast at a cost of £33.20 each per day .
12 KYLIE Minogue reckons she can get any man she wants .
13 he said well we have n't got the price for spare parts yet he said , but I do n't think we 'll get much change out of a thousand pound
14 I do n't think we will get this money from this particular Mum .
15 You know you 'll get this thing , do n't worry , say okay
16 MAKE everyone in the house agree to breakfast at the same time so you ( a ) get a clear kitchen , and ( b ) know you can get some help .
17 We we we also Sally and I were talking about this last week , we said often you know you get you can get bankrupt stock
18 We always know we can get this money on Tuesday and this is especially important if in any week the paypacket is depleted or non-existent .
19 ‘ I suppose he 'll get another sentence now , for what he did here , ’ commented another .
20 And if some , er , jus it was very thin slices of beef , topside of well I thought I 'll get some beef out , and I did it in the microwave and it cooked but it was it was quite tough .
21 And he said to her and precisely , ‘ I do n't suppose you 'll get much custom before I return , it being the dinner hour , but you know where things are . ’
22 ‘ Go and fetch me a dry shirt , then p'raps we 'll get some rest . ’
23 He 's always been a gentle little soul , very loving and friendly with everyone , but as he had to spend 3–4 hours every day on his own at home , we thought we would get another dog as company for him .
24 Independent political analyst Andrew MacMullen 's opinion : ‘ I doubt he would get any insurance cover on keeping his seat .
25 You see , he knew he would get more income in the long run from returning your hat than from keeping it and selling it . ’
26 How did they think he could get more production from his work force if they allowed so little cash for its upkeep ?
27 I think I should get some work done , do n't you ?
28 I 'd have turned it down without asking except I thought you might be interested — ah — because … ’ he shrugged , unable to find a tactful way of saying that this was the best offer she would get all year .
29 well if you think you might get some money at the end of the season , he said , you may find that you 'll be paying them at the end of the season !
30 From your point of view , the ex-Soviet non-Union is now the world leader in creative accounting , and you could work there for London 's own Euro-institution , the Bank for Reconstruction and Development — but I think you would get more value from Hong Kong .
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