Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [modal v] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Drug users say they could be at increased risk from AIDS after a decision to stop giving them free clean syringes .
2 All the time when there is an H I V antibody test it must be with informed consent from the patient or staff member .
3 Moynihan and his growing body of supporters ridiculed this proposal , and many commentators felt that the administration would find it very difficult to reject Moynihan 's demand for an immediate social security tax cut ( which would benefit all citizens ) whilst pursuing a reduction in capital gains tax which would be of chief benefit to those who were already among the most wealthy .
4 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
5 The Home Guard became a joke for some and a remark once passed in my company was " What use do you think you would be against trained troops ? " .
6 When any goods are bought they should be of merchantable quality .
7 As a result the remedy can be repeated without causing the patient any aggravation ; or if aggravation should occur it will be of short duration , easily controlled .
8 The infant , which was incidentally precisely what we predicted he would be in physical makeup , sex , coloring , and so on , was born here seven days ago .
9 Anything you tell me will be in strict confidence if it 's got nothing to do with our enquiries .
10 The first is the provision of a data set which will be of general value to the social scientific community and which will enable scholars in the field of electoral behaviour to update and develop their research .
11 Just as you know you must be in certain lecture halls for certain regular lectures , so you need to know where you should be for other forms of study .
12 My father thinks they should be in curved lines .
13 ‘ You 've been sleeping for hours , so I thought you might be about ready to get up . ’
14 However , when you tack it should be for tactical reasons .
15 I warned him that unless he adhered strictly to the regimen I prescribed he would be at considerable risk . ’
16 As I say , we 're now , we shall now be working on the er , on a financial strategy , so that we 've got more detailed costings er , available to us , erm , but I think members will be interested to know that erm , within the next few months there will , we shall be taking part , er , as part of a wider national exercise , in an exercise undertaken by the District Audit Commission , on Children 's Services , so that we , I think we shall be in good stead , to have this as a base as a working document for that erm , Audit Commission exercise .
17 If we knew that , I think we 'd be beyond reasonable doubt .
18 If they concede another goal again now I think they could be in serious trouble again .
19 I have noted that flicking is very common where such a substrate is used and I think it may be from mechanical irritation of the gills by tiny bits of coral suspended in the water .
20 They want to use condoms — nine out of 10 agreed it was sensible to carry condoms ‘ just in case ’ — but half those surveyed said they would be to embarrassed to buy them .
21 Roy said he would be in joint forces on the territory probably at the beginning of this quarter , erm , so far so good .
22 He said , ‘ There 's absolutely nothing to see and it 's awfully full of nettles ’ ; at the same moment Jean Powers was saying noisily that not a solitary soul had been into the Britches in years and the village wondered what Edward got up to in there — ha ha ! — some people said he must be into black magic , or maybe he was growing cannabis .
23 In his sixth and final campaign speech on March 13 , in the town of Cottbus , north-east of Dresden , Kohl declared : " We want savers to know that when the change in currency comes it will be at one-to-one for them .
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