Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What makes you think I might possess that kind of information ? ’
2 I think I might have that piece .
3 I do n't think er I do n't think I 'll earn more money
4 I do n't think I 'll get much sleep tonight anyway so I might as well save it for food or something . ’
5 ‘ I 'll try , but I do n't think I 'll have much luck — the best models will have been booked for months . ’
6 So that 's rather nice I do n't think I 'll have any difficulty selling the tickets for that .
7 I counted on being able to dodge my way on to the ferry and I did n't think I would need any money once I got to France .
8 I really do n't think I 'd like that Christmas and it 's cold toesie 's
9 ‘ Do you think I can watch another woman become your bride ?
10 ‘ Do you think I can have some peace now ? ’ he asked , sweetly .
11 Do you think I should put that rug in ?
12 I do n't think I could stand another evening just yet at that nightclub she and Dunbar seem so crazy about . ’
13 I do n't think I could take another night without alcohol !
14 If I had anywhere else to go I would leave this house .
15 In the days when I had more time to spare I would read any book I could lay my hands on and particularly enjoyed anything about foreign lands .
16 In all other respects , I agree with the opinion of my Lord , Lord Lowry ; but for the reason I have given I would dismiss this appeal .
17 For the reasons I have given I would dismiss this appeal .
18 ‘ You mean I might win this afternoon ?
19 If he thinks I can stand another night in that car , he 's even madder than I thought . ’
20 he thinks that he can buy I could buy this standing space because I 'm a businessman and I 've got lots of money .
21 In addition to the menus listed you may consume each day :
22 To make life easier for us all I started to teach her a few commands , but I found she would obey any order before it was given .
23 ‘ I expect you would like some brandy . ’
24 Well somebody else told me that I mean er er the wine connoisseurs say who would drink that stuff you ca n't drink red wine .
25 But you ca n't guarantee that , er , and once the supermarket developments er , have gone , then you 'll drop off down , down again , and again you 're affected by the rece recession , whereas people wo n't replace things like weighbridges , er , automatic weighing machines that sort of thing during the recession , if you come out of recession , then you might get , and you say you might get some increase in fees in that , that area .
26 Still to come a look at the opening shots in the Independent Enquiry into the fate of Rover 's Cowley works and the questions that Bicester 's friends of the earth say you must ask any candidate in the local elections .
27 ‘ You say you can remember that photograph being taken .
28 So I 've got some bleaching yeah smell you can smell that bleach .
29 ‘ It is the last place you would expect this kind of thing to happen .
30 Thanks also to anyone else involved who may read this letter .
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