Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [modal v] [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I can accept that it 's targeted towards industrial estates , it does not preclude office style campus development being included within it .
2 Do n't know I would think that it 's , she told me twenty five pounds so I thought it was gon na be like cash or something and then I read the thing that says twenty five pound voucher but it did n't say what for , it just says voucher knowing my luck it 'll be book tokens !
3 For example , if we consider one of the stories which Thorndyke ( 1977 ) used we can see that it has a high degree of internal organisation .
4 ( 2 ) If the specimen with the lower proportion of alcohol contains no more than 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath , the person who provided it may claim that it should be replaced by such specimen as may be required under section 7(4) of this Act and , if he then provides such a specimen , neither specimen of breath shall be used .
5 I can see that I am changing , right , but I do n't know what will happen when it 's finished .
6 But , just before I do , I hope you 'll remember that it 's me you 're talking to — the old school-friend who 's known you since the year dot .
7 I hope you will agree that it captures well the atmosphere of the event and is a useful record of a very successful evening .
8 Thank you very much , I 'm sure there 's a debate within that , that we can all continue , and I hope we will continue because it 's so important .
9 Pyramid says it is happy enough with the specifications for MIPS ' next-generation R5000 and R10000 but says it 'll wait until it sees the things before it believes the projections .
10 Whenever I speak of it , he just says it can stay as it is in case I ever want it .
11 He says it should stay as it is .
12 Erm in my view the Secretary of State may come to the view on the latest figures that are available for him and erm No that is what I hope he will do when it comes to erm producing regional guidance .
13 Just imagine what would happen if it caught on here .
14 So how do you think you 'll vote when it comes to the election ?
15 I do n't think you 'll like that it 's a bit spicy .
16 Well last time I was in er Dublin I er went from the pub straight to the airport and someone stuck a bottle of whiskey in my pocket just as I was going through customs , I did n't believe it could happen but it happened in Ireland .
17 Finally , I would like to imagine what may happen if it does turn out that mental health can be shown to have a genetic basis .
18 Ten years ago I remember I used to think that it was our mental hospitals which later generations would regard as the most staggering and incomprehensible blind spot of our time , on which they would look back as we do upon the generations which burnt witches or tried by ordeal .
19 Robyn swallowed and took a deep breath , trying to compose herself so that when he returned she could say that it was all right , she felt fine now .
20 The message of the Burgess shale — that there has always been variety , and no one can say in what forms it will survive until it has done so — remains .
21 I suppose I should say that it 's because it would be best for her but of course it is n't , it 's because it would be best for me .
22 But I suppose you could say that it was a war that needed fighting ; if that can ever be said about any war . ’
23 But certain doubts were dispelled during the 32–9 victory over Midlands at Leicester on Wednesday as captain Naas Botha warned : ‘ We are improving with every game and I believe we will peak when it matters , against Will Carling 's team . ’
24 He decided it would go as it was written while he proceeded with other matters .
25 ‘ I suppose the newspaper which started it would say that it was just a bit of fun .
26 As Simon Halliday is a fine footballer and made his own contribution with a try you can say that it was almost a perfect backline .
27 A programme which one feels one ought to watch because it is so obviously full of good intentions , is Voices , which also comes from Channel 4 .
28 Even young people have ideas and can make up their own minds , and he did n't want to tell us what he thought we should do because it was our lives and he realised that . ’
29 that never did anything , that we inherited , and when we moved all that stuff that was on there , all that junk , erm , when we first moved , I thought it might flourish when it sorted it , but it 's kind of spindly so , that 's gone , no , no , another bush , over this side
30 ‘ Do you think he 'll mind that it is a rather controversial book ? ’
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