Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [conj] i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And may I ask if she will be so delighted to see me because I happen to be a male member of the human race … ? ’
2 He asked me if I knew of anyone to replace her and I told him no .
3 ‘ They asked me if I wanted to .
4 I was at the Edward II wrap party and someone asked me if I wanted to be in a film .
5 No they asked me if I wanted to and I said no .
6 ‘ It upsets me when I think of how they think . ’
7 I must admit I do not seem to know them as I used to years ago , apart from a couple of detectives who come into the shop .
8 No , triumph will not suit me till I get to heaven …
9 He showed ‘ excessive ’ courtesy to the House of the Senate , saying once ‘ You will , I hope , forgive me if I trespass on my rights as a senator by speaking rather more plainly than I should . ’
10 Forgive me if I seem to be playing the amateur sleuth once again , but something else occurred to me the other day , which might or might not be of interest to you . ’
11 They caught me as I came through the lounge door .
12 wanted control on nuclear weapons , or wanted to abolish nuclear weapons but they the the Labour government did n't get in on that basis so they had to modify their and I mean as
13 It just completely changed everything that I thought about music .
14 Someone out there must know something and I appeal to them to come forward . ’
15 So I did n't know anybody and I thought of well , you know
16 I would n't know him if I tripped over him now . ’
17 I phoned her and I says to her I says , .
18 mm I 've caught , I might of caught it when I went to the dustbin
19 ‘ Did n't even know myself until I talked with the PM this afternoon .
20 They told me after I ran through him as if he was n't there .
21 ‘ What would you give me if I stood on that boulder on one leg ? ’ asked Christopher , eyeing a small rock on the extreme edge of the cliff .
22 The wind was strong and bitterly cold as we prepared ourselves and I tried in vain to put my boots on without leaving the car , until I cracked my forehead on someone 's ice-axe in the back seat .
23 It occurred to me that as I had met nobody as I walked through the gate and went upstairs , there was no need to encounter anyone now , going down , and I moved my chair from the window .
24 Well I , I would n't mind watching that , yes I , no I would n't I 'd think it 's silly , told you once I saw at the I could n't , this does n't want to stay up this double sided tape .
25 He laughed back when I told him that I came from a poor barrio in Britain and that we were no longer referred to as people either .
26 I dropped it when I left for the realm .
27 Do you wan na watch it before I tape over it ?
28 I could do it when I thought of you in your house waiting to hear it all at my next visit .
29 ‘ I could do it if I wanted to , but I do n't want to , ’ he told a gathering of the Computer Journalists Club in Paris yesterday , as he held court on a range of topics , from the US government and economy , to the increasing pervasiveness of personal computer technology .
30 The children — that 's what I told myself when I thought about it .
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