Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If you push the lever down and leave it there the flaps will reach their maximum angle and the selector will automatically jump back into neutral so that the hydraulic circuit can idle .
2 Doyle drew his restless gaze from the banks of silent consoles , and the rows of operators , many of them girls hardly out of school , and watched Cowley tear the sheet off and finish his cursory read of the contents .
3 In any other sphere of life , when the demand for your product collapses for reasons entirely beyond your control , you do n't try to drum up new custom , you wind the business down and go into something more profitable ’ ‘ But there is a disturbing feeling about that something irreversible may be happening in the world and it is not to Britain 's advantage .
4 Can Desert Orchid the champion bring the house down and win .
5 Producing this amount of new growth also means adequate moisture below : when weather is dry , remember the thirsty ramblers ; lay the hose out and let it dribble for a few hours .
6 I lay the rod down and spend another two or three minutes feeding maggots into the swim .
7 You will not have to strip the tank down but wait until the remaining fish are back to 100 per cent health and then begin re-stocking very slowly .
8 We 'd brush them down , rub the dirt off and sell them again , ’ says Fielding .
9 Or at least pick the phone up and say erm you know
10 In parliament there would be a carefully organized campaign of resistance that would at least slow the government down and raise Unionist morale .
11 We then had to drive the machine back and unload the rented van .
12 Crucially , a visit will allow the librarian or teacher to try the microcomputer out and see practical demonstrations .
13 And then skim the oil off and drain it .
14 I would think about giving up that , send the package out and forget about them
15 Knock the bloke up and say Can you come and move your car ?
16 Having got as far as the inverted stage , the easiest answer is to pull the stick back and perform a ha If loop to recover ( again , that 's why you needed lots of height ) .
17 The only truly satisfactory solution would be to pull the place down and start again .
18 On the Monday they showed how easy it was for top-class bowlers to pitch the ball up and get wickets .
19 More often , though , he preferred to pitch the ball up and get his wickets in less intimidating fashion .
20 When you get on towards sixty you are not like any one younger , so will you kindly consider the matter over and help me out of it .
21 But he 's got to do it on Access because there 's no money in the bank to write a cheque out and pay for the suit .
22 Little mascots spread the luck around and warm the crowd on a chilly day .
23 Great care must be taken to set the hoe up and steer it accurately so that the blades run close to the crop without damaging the seedlings .
24 tamp the tobacco down and move off slowly
25 To clean the sound up and increase the power headroom you require a higher-powered power amp .
26 Shame they did n't just lock the band up and throw away the key …
27 I put the phone down and try to remember whether the canteen is still open .
28 I would get mad when I put the phone down and cry a lot , but certainly I would n't get mad with her . ’
29 Well no because unless they put the system in and know exactly what it was there are so many different ways of delivering water .
30 put the lettuce in and put the tomato in
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