Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He laid the pistol down and crossed to the drinks cabinet , pouring glasses of whisky for himself and for Carol .
2 They 've lifted the carpet up and thrown it away and erm she said erm Oh erm .
3 You are then able to pull the rope up as revealed in the diagram .
4 Strachan took one touch , lined the ball up and struck with the trusty right foot .
5 ‘ He 'd be irradiated if he 'd turned the bribe down and gone to the freight car . ’
6 I put the phone down and slumped in a chair .
7 I put the pole down and clambered on hands and knees round the barge , looking for the hole .
8 Er he he 'd just taken some photographs out of last year 's er annual report and put a heading up and stuck some text on it .
9 I turned the car round and headed home .
10 Getting the turning over and done with as rapidly as possible demands violent measures .
11 we had to pull forward it 's not due so we 've got er so we 've given them three days to You see when we worked out the numbers for the we were given all the , the allowances , the rates et cetera , et cetera , we worked the forecast through and seen huge amounts of time given for which the assumption is that it 's all done by hand , the job these cranes so the resources how much money had been spent .
12 They took the escalator up and settled at a table overlooking the fountain .
13 ‘ I got a cash drawer full of beer mats you lousy low-down no-good rotten — ’ He paused in mid rant , took a look around and made with the befuddlement .
14 Here , she took a step back and called on Ferdinando to discuss Garibaldi and his Red Shirts and the promises of Cavour — they were names to her and nothing more .
15 The station had gone , too , and they 'd shut the line down and taken up the rails .
16 It loads the film , has a zoom lens with autofocus , autoflash , and even winds the film back when finished .
17 She flipped the panel up and keyed in the code , banging her elbow against the wall as the executive transporter pressed close .
18 Sheila , who said she put the cigarette out when told to , said : ‘ They made me feel like a criminal .
19 ‘ See if she 's put the fire out and done anything about that Martello tower holiday . ’
20 All along , Astorre had been longing to get the campaign over and done with .
21 You 're in the mood for a long spell at the crease , but the penis decides that it ca n't wait to get the game over and done with before heading back to the pavilion to put its feet up on the couch .
22 I think it looks like he wanted to get the thing over and done with before the Sabbath .
23 This might happen because the writer is tired , because he or she wants to get the writing over and done with ; but the fundamental reason seems to be that the writer has broken contact with the feeling that originally made him or her want to write the story or poem .
24 Eubank admitted : ‘ From what I can make out , this will be a good fight — unfortunately for me , because I like to get the job over and done with and go home with the minimum of fuss . ’
25 But this time as if he wanted to get the beer over and done .
26 oh I came , came to several conclusions , erm , one , one of the problems that the article faced me with , if it had been a simple outburst , if , if the , the Daily Telegraph had simply taken an advert out as opposed to maybe editorials then I may of had less a problem , because the problem with editorials is that they are believed , companies adverts are n't believed , well they 're partially believed , but an editorial carries a lot more weight and therefore when it 's written like that it tends to strike home much harder , therefore that , my immediate thoughts were that if were going to react , if we were going to find a way of cantering the problems we felt this had created , then we would not have to follow any normal course of action , we simply could n't put an advert out because nobody would have believed it , we would have to look at it a different way of actually cantering and that 's part of the reason for the time taking to think it through .
27 Anywhere we were c clearing the river up because blocked that , one Summer day and it was very hot for about a month or so .
28 On the afternoon of New Year 's Day we reached the road end , picked the car up and returned to Queenstown .
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