Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun sg] and make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sucking the wool and making it damp enhances the lanolin odour , and this keeps the cats contented and fully absorbed in their sucking and chewing .
2 stings the grass and makes it flowerless ,
3 Unlike chlorination , which is designed to treat the water and make it safe to drink , fluoridation is meant to influence a human physiological process — the mineralisation of tooth enamel .
4 I thought I would catch the child and make him my friend before he was old enough to be frightened of my terrible face .
5 The excessive use of embargoes devalues the practice and makes it more difficult to ensure that the embargo is kept when it is really important .
6 The nip of alcohol causes the blood vessels to dilate and so warm the skin and make us comfortable in spite of being out in the cold .
7 Clare 's solicitor explained to her that men often forced their wives to return by refusing to grant a divorce and making it difficult for them to obtain money — even when it was awarded by a court .
8 They also remove the carbon and make it available to plants as carbon dioxide .
9 And I mashed the tea and made it and a fitting shop was there too .
10 At the time the experts believed that a previous transfusion sensitised the patient and made it more likely that a transplant would be rejected .
11 The chosen shade may lift the picture and make it look more attractive or ruin it totally by clashing or overpowering the design itself .
12 fills the room and makes us
13 I feel I should start by defining the question and making it more precise .
14 The wash of a passing collier rocked both boats and the enormous reverberation of her wailing hooter filled the air and made it impossible for them to speak .
15 Three little kittens , three little kittens , see how they run , see how they came , along came the father and make it hat , when he put his hat on and said
16 That fat kid from the Double Deckers who played the tuba and made it look the size of a bag of crisps … what is he up to now ?
17 Imagination contracted the distance and made it surprising to fall for so long , and then he was tearing through dogwood and elder bushes and tumbling in a shower of twigs and leaves on to the ground .
18 ‘ Bring out ’ deep-set eyes with a paler shadow — obviously darker tints will tend to shade the eye and make it look deeper .
19 As an absolute last resort , rather than manhandle a horse and make it more fearful , and so teach it to be always difficult in a similar situation , it is better to tranquillise the horse .
20 all , everything that would be in involved and er but buts a lot of the , what we did was , you know , erm just how you would er ta erm how you would try and start there and and decorate a place and make it look better which again , is part of your environment
21 Sights like that must make you think a bit and make you realise you are very lucky ,
22 no of course you would n't , I do n't suppose Mr would , but the whole purpose of a brochure like this , is not necessary a dishonourable purpose , it 's a hook the punter , to use Mr elegant word , he want to make it so simple to hook the punter and make him or her say to himself that 's where we want to live and set their heart on it , that 's all the purpose of this brochure in it ? or is the
23 Because this cake mixture uses baking powder to make it rise rather than gradual incorporation of air while beating , make sure you do not overbeat the mixture or add more than the specified amount of baking powder — this would only serve to toughen the cake and make it heavy .
24 Alain collected the luggage and made it plain that he was not about to coax her .
25 Death will quickly draw the veil and make us see how near we were to God and one another , and did not sufficiently know it .
26 That is why the IAEA approached France and the United Kingdom asking for assistance in removing the material and making it safe in specialised facilities .
27 Textured wall coverings , wood finishes , and towels in warm shades can soften the room and make it more user-friendly and less clinical .
28 The authorities do not require other methods of recovery to be tested , and it is therefore not always possible to be sure whether using the aileron , for instance , will flatten the spin and make it more difficult to stop .
29 A mordant is necessary to fix the dye and to make it colour fast .
30 O K , the only difference is , that if you do make an appointment and make it a sale , I have all the commission .
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