Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [conj] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The thoughts ( obsessions ) may be senseless in themselves , or merely a matter of indifference to the subject ; often they are completely silly , and invariably they are the starting-point of a strenuous mental activity , which exhausts the patient and to which he only surrenders himself most unwillingly .
2 Using ‘ natural ’ units of behaviour is not without its problems as it begs the question as to what constitutes ‘ natural ’ as well as sidestepping the issue of why particular parts of the nervous system are important for particular behaviours .
3 Centred on one Sir Colenso Rigeon , a caricature of Wright , it concerned the decision as to which of the two men should be saved from death — a sixpenny doctor ( ’ an honest decent man , but is he any use ? ’ ) or a scoundrel of an artist ( ’ a rotten background , but he 's a genuine source of pretty and pleasant and good things ’ ) .
4 It is the human being who will be faced with the opportunity and perhaps the temptation to be violent , and who will make the decision as to which path to follow .
5 They also raise the question as to who is supposed to find them funny .
6 There are many different financial considerations which may affect the decision as to which form of business enterprise to undertake .
7 He tried the door and to his surprise found it unlocked .
8 The country beyond the mountain range was completely different from the bushland that bordered the coast and to which Gould had so far been confined .
9 Resolving the question as to what are to be perceived as such costs and benefits is itself a hard task .
10 While Birtwell , who is a fisheries research scientist with the Canadian government in Vancouver , has still to decide whether or not he can continue to devote the time needed to coach the national team , he has no doubts as to what the future holds .
11 Their corpses provide no clue as to their identity .
12 There 's no indication Mr Clinton has a clue as to what the problems are , ’ he said .
13 While the prosecution case is being presented the decision as to what course to take in these circumstances remains with counsel .
14 I have suggested that a meaningful way to set the limits as to what may rightly be called a Christian position , is that Christians are those who proclaim Jesus to have been unique .
15 When a choreographer wishes to make a statement about dance that is inspired by a piece of music , he has to answer the question as to what style of dance is appropriate .
16 I will take it upon myself , in terms of alerting the press as to what er how I would project er my view .
17 A must for all who know B.C. or may have visited the area and to anyone interested in the many facets of rural life as it was in years gone by ( ISBN 0951596403 , price £5.95 ) .
18 It is whether a reasonable person , looking at the vehicle , and forming a view as to its general use , would say the vehicle might well be used on the road .
19 Neither manager would give a clue as to his team , or discuss in depth a match which could see the Republic qualify for the finals for the first time .
20 c ) If it is considered imperative that such privileged information should be included on the paper and which [ sic ] falls within the terms of the concern expressed above , then the whole should be submitted for approval by a Chief Officer … who will give a ruling as to its use and circulation .
21 After his death at the hands of a Skaven assassin in 1152 the Elector Counts failed to reach a decision as to who should be the new Emperor .
22 In consequence of my suggestion , Harold Wilson asked Aitken and myself to dine with him to discuss the matter and to my amazement Max Aitken said that he would go , but only if I accompanied him .
23 He also suggested that quite apart from the accountant 's employer or client , he owed a duty to any third person to whom he shows the accounts or to whom he knows the employer will show the accounts with a view to persuading that person to invest or take some other action .
24 From the thicket I could see the bridge and to my amazement I could see Commandos marching in file across the bridge and coming slowly towards me , a few of them looking and pointing in my direction .
25 Their suggestions often begged the question as to who would actually implement the necessary corporate revolutions which they recommended .
26 Miss Logan looked at Amanda Fergusson cautiously , unsure how to express the view that to her humble and ignorant mind the punishment seemed excessive .
27 This then raises the question as to what is the inappropriate use of an acute hospital bed ?
28 But if he was the puppet , who was pulling the strings and to what dance ?
29 They could not have been more than fifteen , but their faces were heavily coated with cosmetics , and they were dressed with a tawdry precociousness which allowed no illusions as to their innocence .
30 In countries where the practice is officially , if apologetically , accepted , as in Sierra Leone , Zambia or Botswana , revised timings are provided in the official syllabus , but there exists no guide as to what the teacher is to leave out from an already overloaded syllabus .
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