Example sentences of "[verb] [art] [noun] [vb infin] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I stood and thought and made the panic recede until I could work out what to do , then I took my knife out of its sheath on my belt and carved an arrow in the bark of the tree I was facing .
2 Gordon Macpherson 's Prosen , a long arch of sound , eerie music from distant mountains with the instruments imitating and overlapping in echo effect , taught the ear to listen and prepared us for a fresh hearing of Tchaikovsky 's Souvenir de Florence , ravishing but not cloying , spinning to a close in the exacting fugue which made the composer laugh when he first played it .
3 The effects of Esther 's stroke were not obvious at first , which made the doctors wonder if she had suffered a second stroke when they found later that she had a very severe left hemiplegia .
4 Estate staff will be particularly sad to see the deer go and they 're hoping the whole herd can be sold together , hopefully to grace the grounds of another country estate .
5 I would like to see the earth grow and everything in the earth grow until it touched the skids of heaven , and no one could be dead .
6 Hope sprang up in her , because if Caspar could make the Robemaker believe that he was merely foolish and not an intruder , they might have a chance .
7 It would make the association feel that it had had a better hearing if it saw the Minister face to face rather than pursuing the matter in correspondence .
8 Jeff what 's another way that you might make the audience feel that they 're involved ?
9 The books are written in what would seem to some today to be a slow and overly elaborate way — who after all uses words such as ‘ eleemosynary ’ ? — but he explores all of his characters thoroughly and gives lots of detail which , though not absolutely necessary and sometimes totally irrelevant , make the novel more personal and make the readers feel that they know the characters .
10 make the Britannia look like they should
11 It was quite a long way , and coming home she let the pony trot while she ran beside me .
12 He pulled the car over to the kerb and let the engine idle while he turned to face her .
13 What would have been so difficult about saying , ‘ No , darling , we 'll all wait here until you feel up to going on ’ , or ‘ Let the others go and we 'll wait here , holding each other tight in the snow ’ .
14 Let the turkey cool before you unwrap it .
15 Let the man do as he liked .
16 Let the customer know that you understand her requirements , eg' I see , you want a set of four saucepans . ’
17 He must tie one end of the string to the opening of the cave and then let the ball unwind as he went down into the labyrinth .
18 Please if you take tickets for any event , let the organiser know if you have sold them or return them promptly .
19 You swore each and every one of you , to undertake this task , you must do so fearlessly and without fear or favour consider the evidence and let the chips lie where they fall .
20 Let the Stapletons know that you 're going to walk home across the moor . ’
21 There are lots of people let the windows go and it was a case of either having new wood windows
22 6 PRIVATE INSURANCE Those of you who are covered by our insurance please let the Office know if you wish to continue to be covered or not .
23 The evidence you found may not on its own be inconsistent with the suicide theory , but just the same , it 's your duty to hand it over and let the police decide if it 's worth following up . ’
24 We may not have been able to stop the legislation ( although we did succeed in reducing its scope ) , but we let the world know that we remained strong and proud and shameless .
25 We should be able to go into the big houses and let the gentry know that we are honest , that 's the only way they 'll give us their business .
26 Now let the lad go or we open fire . ’
27 Let the lad come if he likes , ’ Angalo went on .
28 Give drugs regularly and let the doctor know if you think more pain relief would be helpful .
29 Do n't know if I could do the electric one definitely Guess that 's about whether the I 'd like one of them , one of them and yeah but we do n't know when it can be delivered , so we ca n't do it that early you ca n't say yeah but but er we 'll let you know , well we can so it 's there that 's what we wish , they 'd the bills go and we 'll let you know when you can be the keys can be available for you to put it in .
30 I gave up work at the salon eight weeks before Isha was born and so I had the space and time to just do the hair work that I really wanted to do .
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