Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We met for the first time just two days before departure and accepted a murderous schedule of four games in 10 days , before opening against the New Zealand provincial champions just two days after a 25 hour journey to Dunedin .
2 Paul 's touching letters stood out and they met for the first time shortly before he was posted to the former Yugoslavia .
3 But Greenford was in Middlesex and many was the night I spent in the pissing rain having walked to Acton Town station to wait for the first train home in the morning .
4 I have no doubt that there will be special preparations and allowances made by police and spectators for the Marathon , in which I will be competing for the first time tomorrow .
5 ‘ Cricket must now be the only sport in which you can be punished for the same offence twice and , who knows , maybe three times if he appeals !
6 According to Moschion , who lived about the third century BC but wrote in the spirit of a century or two earlier , it was due to Time — ‘ the begetter and nurturer of all things ’ — that ‘ The earth , once barren , began to be ploughed by yoked oxen , towered cities arose , men built sheltering homes and turned their lives from savage ways to civilized . ’
7 plays on , he plays for the first team normally I think .
8 They are trained to search for the overall picture so that they can advise on overall financial policy or make an overall judgement on the truth and fairness of the accounts .
9 It asserts most forcefully its opinion that should consent be given for the proposed development then an unforgivable error will have been perpetrated with major consequences for the Welsh coast and countryside .
10 In the first place , as must already be evident , it shows some striking parallels with the Formalists ' views on literature and literary studies — views which were developed for the greater part quite independently of it , for although later Formalist theory may have been influenced to some degree by Saussure , the beginnings of the movement predate the publication of his Cours .
11 Lisa had sighed and squeezed her friend 's arm , reflecting for the hundred-millionth time just what an enormous debt she owed Josey .
12 This RYA recognised school offers a variety of sailing courses catering for the absolute beginner right up to the most advanced sailor .
13 They passed through the outer vestibule then under the fluted dome of the inner hall .
14 When buying or selling your home , the one certainty is that you will have to go through the legal process commonly known as conveyancing .
15 We 're not supposed to go through the new Lab anyway .
16 However , we shall be satisfied only when no more such arrests are made , so that we do not have to go through the same business all over again .
17 She realized for the first time fully consciously that she was ill at ease with , even afraid of , very tall men .
18 The significance of the defeat on Monday of Ken Livingstone , Brent East MP , could only be calculated for the first time yesterday when the detailed voting figures were published .
19 The 128 they made for the fifth wicket actually saw the visitors go on the defensive , although not for long .
20 The colonel gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder , and we made for the outside world again .
21 She twisted herself and tried to see through the buckled plate again .
22 THE WORLD 'S largest floating concrete dock was officially completed for the Royal Navy yesterday , as an admiral disputed the amount by which its costs had overrun .
23 Aristotle , who lived during the 4th century BC , said that there was a fundamental ‘ living principle ’ — or ‘ life force ’ — that distinguished living from nonliving material .
24 Yet she was clearly not a European State , and she never became during the eighteenth century completely incorporated into the European diplomatic system .
25 During the war , the conical Triumph nib arrived , still regarded as the finest nib ever made .
26 Author Penny Junor — widely regarded as the royal writer closest to the prince — said the latest allegations were deliberately damaging to the Royal Family .
27 Her mother 's friends , Lizzie Braithwaite and Maria Colclough and Ethel Lord were incensed by it , having used the act of sex all their wedded lives as something to bargain with , employing their very contempt for it as a punishment regularly meted out to husbands who lusted after the nasty performance far too much .
28 The Serbian forces ' westward drive into Bosnia fits into a map disclosed for the first time yesterday , which shows Serbian leaders intend to capture more than 70 per cent of Bosnia , leaving Croatian and Muslim populations isolated in small pockets of land .
29 Those who fled during the Cultural Revolution often did so alone , others carrying two children on their backs across the Himalayan mountains to join the 100,000 strong refugee communities in India , where today a committed group have devoted their lives to working for the Tibetan cause .
30 ‘ This genuine shortage is occurring for the first time ever .
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