Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] whether they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From the buffet we could see the restaurant where a ten-piece dance band was playing ‘ Mambo italiano ’ and about thirty couples danced various improvisations on the Western dances according to whether they came from Leningrad , peking , or East Berlin , where the TV picks up the Western stations .
2 Although he found that teachers used many different strategies in helping children , individuals tended to employ a limited range of reinforcements and corrections according to whether they thought of reading as a " word-recognition skill " or a " meaning-getting process " .
3 We have seen how entries in the internal lexicon can be more easily or less easily accessed according to whether they correspond to words which have a high or low frequency of occurrence in language .
4 Research programmes will be progressive or degenerating depending on whether they succeed in leading or whether they persistently fail to lead to the discovery of novel phenomena .
5 There are three types , called cationic , anionic or nonionic depending on whether they work by carrying a positive , negative or zero electric charge respectively .
6 Friends stand or fall by whether they stick by you and still see you when you have your baby and can not go out much anymore .
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