Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] be some [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In answer to one of the questions posed by employees in meetings throughout the Group , Chief Executive Kneale Ashwell explained : ‘ If , as expected , 1993 remains on a par with 1992 , we will have some over-capacity , so there may need to be some small pockets of short time working .
2 There appear to be some important challenges for sustaining and developing the concept further :
3 There also appear to be some significant omissions from the Commission 's Report , such as giving the CPS instead of the police , the power to decide who should be cautioned and charged .
4 Overall , there appear to be some significant differences when one makes comparison with more typically modernist organizations .
5 Although Microsoft Corp is currently gorging itself on Intel Corp iAPX-86 platforms with its Windows desktop environment — and Windows NT will follow — there are still expected to be some rich pickings left over for the gaggle of hopefuls which are working on desktop Unix implementations for the architecture , which will soon include the new P5 80586 iteration when it arrives .
6 I , I do n't often agree with Jim about anything , but I really do agree with him about this , that there has to be some clear guidelines , I think , as to how these are fixed , they are not going be have the potential of being very unfair to people because people operate in different ways in different areas and I would suggest that it would be a good idea if this community were to ask for erm guidelines to be drafted for this committee to agree so that there is a more even fair , laid down procedure for dealing with the cases coming before the panel .
7 Roy Pointer : ‘ I have been asking for over ten years that there needs to be some bold plans , mission strategy , developed within the denominations and I have not been aware of any until now .
8 there 's various things you can talk to them about , and all you do is , all you 're looking for is some key words to motivate them , right eh er to a certain extent you want , you want to assume from the start that they do n't have a clue what they 're doing
9 There would appear to be some untold facts about Blea Moor Tunnel as there has been much speculation but very little facts of details .
10 The immediate object was to get to the lode ( Fleming 's Vein it came to be called ) , estimated to be some 25 fathoms ahead .
11 There are said to be some mystic rivers one drop of which can steal a man 's life away .
12 There seemed to be some other words at the bottom of the landscape , but O could not make these out .
13 Well , Okay , you 'll see that of course , that 's a five by seven grid , no it 's not , yes it is , a five by seven grid , so there 's always going to be some blank spaces .
14 There 's going to be a seventy acre community nature park eventually , so that 's quite an area to cover , but it 's not going to be all trees — it 's going to be some open glades for butterflies and so on , so there should be a nice variation there .
15 My understanding of the situation in Hambledon is that there are , we 're talking only small figures I realize , there are twenty commitments currently , within that area , erm clearly there are going to be some unidentified sites come forward erm , I do n't wish to er critical of that figure , I would accept the figure .
16 There has got to be some genuine changes in our erm willingness to work hard at our family life and not to give in easily at the challenges that so often break our homes up .
17 In a place like this there are bound to be some good seamstresses and Singers will surely have had their salesmen down here back in the days of the square-riggers .
18 There are rumoured to be some hard men in town .
19 In Sussex there are known to be some 43 sites of deserted medieval villages .
20 The Black Pit appears to be some 70 yards wide and 30 yards long , despite the dimensions shown on Map 14
21 Planners have estimated that belts of trees would have to be some 100 metres deep to reduce noise significantly .
22 ‘ There may have to be some tough decisions .
23 In winter , when the level in the canal would tend to be some three inches higher , then some water did splash over the sides of the tanks , but never at any time was the water emptied from the tanks to enable hauling to proceed.9 ; On this basis alone the lift must be judged to have been a technical success .
24 In such activities , there are assumed to be some INVARIANT elements which have to be performed ( eg conforming to the rules of tennis ) , but that there are VARIANT ways in which the individual may perform them ( eg in choice of backhands , forehands , volleys ) .
25 Looking ahead , Mr Hely Hutchinson said that company plans continued to make cautious assumptions about the general economic outlook , but that there appeared to be some positive indications .
26 No doubt chart-reading skills would also improve in an actual situation , but there do seem to be some serious difficulties in understanding how the numbers are related in the table .
27 And secondly the fact that it was n't in the budget erm and the fact that they 're late means that we 're not also realizing the productivity in other areas that we had anticipated so we 're gon na be some six months late coming in .
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